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Who else uses Newspaper to detail windows

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Just wondering if I am the only one that cleans windows inside and out with glass cleaner after all film has been installed. I picked up this trick at a detail shop, supposedly it is soft on glass, absorbs better and doesn't leave streaks. Works great for me.

Customers sometimes look confused when I do it. Maybe they think the budget doesn't call for towels.

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I don't know if customers will like me using a diaper.. And coffee filters aren't 25 cents a stack :)

Since some of you guys never tried it, I recommend it. Its cheap and works amazing. I cannot imagine the little fibers in the recycled paper being able to scratch tint. Atleast I hope not.

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That's a very old detailers trick.

We were cleaning car windows 20 odd years ago with newspaper.

We were using a scrunched up wet newspaper to clean and a scrunched up dry newspaper to polish.

It is a bit dicey to use this on tinted windows though due to possible scratching.

This was from an age where they didn't make really good glass cleaning sprays, Windex was about the only thing around back then which leaves the glass smeary.

We were told that the ammonia found in the newsprint ink helped the cleaning process...I don't think there is ammonia still found in newsprint so dunno. :dunno


For mine now, a good glass cleaner and a microfiber is the way to go

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