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Posts posted by IQRaceworks

  1. 2 minutes ago, bamh5 said:

    Doesn't look they free handed it, it looks like who ever cut it changes the angle of their knife while cutting the top.


    So should I go back to the shop and make them fix it, or is that an acceptable tint job that you would expect from a place that also tints Porches, Ferrari's, and other "high end" cars?


    I can't image someone with a $100,000+ car that just got their windows tinted would be ok with that.......but maybe I'm wrong.

  2. So I finally decided to take my old 05' F250 in to get the front windows tinted to match the factory tint on the rear windows.  I looked around, and found a local place that had awesome reviews....400+ google reviews with an average of 4.5 stars. Apparently they specialize in tinting "high end" cars like GTR's, Ferrari's, Porches, etc, etc.....so that's where I took my truck.  Cost me $80 to get my two front windows tinted.  


    They told me not to roll down the windows for 24 hours...I'm assuming that was to let the tint dry out. Well, after a couple of days I rolled down the windows...and saw this (see picture).  Where they trimmed along the top of the window looks like crap....my 3yr old could have done a better job. It looks like they just free handed it.  On the left side of the glass where it runs up to the top horizontal part, it's a nice and even 1/16" or so gap between where the tint ends, and the glass is. Then when they got to the radius, the tint goes right up to the edge of the glass...no gap. Then the horizontal part goes up and down....anywhere from 1/8" gap up to almost 1/4" the farther you go right.........maybe I'm just a sucker for details, but to me it looks like crap.


    I know it's not a GTR or a Hellcat.....but damn, that's about the easiest part of doing tint....trimming it off the glass.


    Should I just forget about it, or take it back and have them scrape the tint off and redo it all?  Both front windows look about the same.


    Am I overreacting?




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