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Status Replies posted by Dano

  1. HEres some shots of the inside .....I used to take all the windows out but it took way too much time and I had to charge accordingly but lately I have been leaving all the glass in and just cutting around everything which does leave a lil gap here and there but it's the best way I have found to knock them out....I only had a 40 inch roll so u can tell I pieced the windows and so far haven't had any complaints of peeling or anything like that ....what do u guys think?





    1. Dano


      You should have zero "real" complaints. Most folks that have to sit in that cab will be grateful that the film in on there and that someone was willing to work on it, especially if you're laying the film in a workshed.


      The only installs that a farmer/rancher will usually worry about is on the wifes/moms/daughters car, as it should be.


      If you let the sales team at the equipment dealership know that you are able to work on those you might be able to preload the lot or let them upgrade before delivery. 

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