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Posts posted by Tinteks

  1. thanks for the info and precautions.


    I have never come across this in all the glass I have tinted.


    I tried it a few times and ended up explaining it to the customer. both sides were the same and I wasted a good amount of film.

    next time i come across this i will tried a small pieces of film and see if i get adhesion.


    i have from time to time usually on newer Audis. when you spray the window it repels like its waxed.

    i can get good adhesion to the window, only thing is you have to move quicker with more soap and set the top a close as possible or you have a hell of a time trying to unstick without damaging the film all depending how well it sticks in certain areas. Audi with there deep side seals.

    has anyone figure how to remove that?  steel wool and windex?

  2. thanks for the reply Howard.


    its not the film. the film is great and I have never had this issue ever.

    its not like some that repel the slip and sticks quickly.


    its almost like a repellant and its really greasy feeling.

    it has to have been wiped down or sprayed with something.


    I gave  it a few tries and the same thing. lifts as if there isn't any adhesion. like cheap film adhesive.


    not sure what to tell the customer.


    I told him I would ask on here and see what can clean the glass so it will adhere.

    I even heated the film and usually it will have a hard time lifting and leave some glue.


    I stuck the same piece of film I had issue sticking on another cars glass and it stuck like it should.


    any other idea or some kind of safe solvent I can use to remove it?

  3. I had a newer dodge power wagon come in for 2 fronts.


    I don't know what was on the glass but I could not get global qdp to stick at all. almost like there was grease all over the window. I scrubbed it hard with 70% alch with no difference.


    have any of you come across this?

    customer was bummed and I had to explain if its not sticking its going to have issues later on.

    he was ok with it after I explained it to him.


    I have never had a window this bad and I have tinted many cars without issues like this.



    is there anything I can clean the glass to get it clean enough to bond the adhesive?


    he had it for a few weeks and it seems like the detailers at the dealer sprayed something on it.



    thx for the suggestions




  4. I bought a gallon and recenlty tried it.

    on the glass mounting the film it seems slippery and tacks nice.

    what I do notice is when you use a turbo it catches instead of glides.

    thats the only thing that seemed different and will have to get use to.

    do I need to add more then recommended to see if it helps with that?

    I see the free shirts...

    I have been emailing a few people about getting one but never get a reply back.

    I know you were out before xmas.. just trying again.. :D

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