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Posts posted by WSC

  1. Hello everyone, I wanted to know how everyone minimizes their material waste when not using cutter plotters.


    The brands I use offer only 60" rolls whether PPF or Vinyl and I usually find it challenging to minimize material waste that comes in the form of excess material that is mostly 24" wide. Hoods and trunks are usually 60" wide so are no problem. Sides (rear/front fenders and doors including frames) are 36" wide and these are the longest. Whenever I cut sides, I get excess material that I use for bumpers but the problem is that 90% of the vehicles I've been wrapping lately have 30" bumpers and I'm stuck with excess 24" material from sides that I am unable to deplete. I spoke to different wrappers across the world and I learned several tailored cutting techniques that helped me minimize the waste but I'm certain there is further optimization.


    Any ideas if there is a software that can help me do this or if there any techniques anyone would like to share?



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