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Young Tinter

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Everything posted by Young Tinter

  1. If you are a new inexperienced tinter avoid window visors, either tell them to take it off or send them away. I've tinted cars with window visors in the past but recently I had a car I literally could not finish (luckily customer is really nice) I basically wasted his whole day. Window visors make hand cutting very hard on a new tinting with the shifting and the tint sticking to the visor and not being able to shrink the film on the outside of the glass. FYI never use the heat gun on the inside of the window it takes long and can potentially damge panels and seals. And ALWAYS BOTTOM LOAD, just do it
  2. I am also new to tinting, I only wasted about $6 of film before I was able to adequately tint cars. What I will say is your technique is like nothing I've ever seen before. Either pick snap shrinking or finger shrinking, stick to one at a time imo. It seems like your doing a combination of both.
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