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  1. Thanks for all this!! This is great information and definitely some excellent pointers and tips in there too. That helps me a lot. It gives me something to keep in mind for the future as well. Currently, I have some family vehicles that I am "scheduled" to do in my free time. So I am definitely looking forward to those for practice, if nothing else. I have a long way to go - needless to say - and I need much more practice, but I am definitely looking forward to try to start something on the side and see what happens and where I can go with it. Thanks again for this great information!
  2. Hello all! I am new tinter and new to the site, but I have been reading a lot on here recently. I just have a little experience but I am learning and feel I have a pretty good handle on the process - but obviously need more experience to be confident. (which I am working on - I have 2 more cars to do this weekend actually that I'm really excited about) A slight backstory, I have always had tinted vehicles. I cannot stand factory/clear glass - drives me nuts! So I have a pretty good understanding of the VLT's, different tint makeups, etc. I greatly enjoy window tint and just recently got into to trying it myself and it went very well if I do say so - even my wife was impressed (she wasn't sure how it would turn out at first). I know I have a long way to go, but I had fun nonetheless. I have done a LOT of decal-ing in the past and even some small jobs with vinyl wrap; so I think that has helped with this process even though they are not the exact same procedure. I just have a couple general questions pertaining to the "future" if anyone has any input: Is tinting a good business to get into? (as in, quit my 8-5 job and do this full time one day) What is the best way to start business for someone like me - I've heard mobile tint is a good way, or would it be better to start larger with a shop? (Again, this will be a little down the road as I need more experience/learning to be to that point, I'm just trying to get my "road map" in order so to speak.) I know there are a lot of variables involved in this, but testing the waters in something that interests me is what I am mainly wanting to do. Thanks in advance for anything and everything!
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