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Posts posted by Towers

  1. The shop i'm at recently got into the tinting world and I need help dialing in my Graphtec FC9000 settings! I cut all our tint from patterns in core, and another person installs it. Needing some help! My installer doesn't like how the tint peels. He said he wants it to take him 5-10 seconds to peel the tint and he's taking 15-20 because it feels like the material is catching. It's not a completely fluid peel.


    Using a 30 degree blade. Blade Depth at 2. Force bounces between 11-14 depending on dullness of blade. Speed 10-15. 

    ALSO my installer wants the window patterns to cut completely through the backing paper vs kiss cut. I have experience with plotting vinyl and i NEVER cut through the backing paper. Is that something tinters do?? I've attempted to cut through the material and it usually ends in a disaster. 

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