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  1. Hey guys I am in the process of having window film installed in my home but have a question about which brand I should go with. Hoping yall can help me out. I have a room that faces a busy street and as a result my blinds pretty much always stay closed. I love having natural daylight but not so much people being able to see what i'm doing in my room/all my expensive equipment. I used to work in the window film industry as a helper/installer/salesman when I was in highschool and we did a lot residential/commercial work. The specific brand of film we used always left a certain blue and cool appearance. Is there any brand of residential film that does not have this effect? I mainly just cannot stand having blue light amplified and am looking for a film that has a neutral shade to it or even a warm/yellow hue. I have single pane windows and I do not necessarily care about heat rejection but if I have to pay more for a ceramic film rather than a dual reflective or a standard film I am willing to if that helps solve the issue. Again, any help is really appreciated with this there are so many new window film brands out there and it really is cool to see how far the industry has come.
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