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Is SG stainless steel 10 safe for IG?

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I have a customer that has 3 windows tinted to match their other 3, the stainless steel 10 I hae in stock I would love to use for the job, but I don't want to costing me broken windows. I checked for a film to glass chart on their website with no luck. the windows don't see much direct sun except maybe when the sun is on the horizon as the windows are set back in to an entry way.

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Guest tintjam65
Went and took a closer look and they are actually laminated glass. does this change things?

I'd use an exterior film to be safe on lam glass.

Went and took a closer look and they are actually laminated glass. does this change things?

It does - and not for the better. Laminated glass is more likely to break than standard annealed glass. Tempered glass would have been safer.

:bingo That film has TSA of 55. :ohcrap:lol


Low on what horizon, East or West? Is it tempered lami-glass?

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With an absorbtion level of 55%, I would steer clear of it. Also, knowing it is lami glass, there can be major issues when those heat up....not just from breakage, but the lamination can break down from the excessive heat that will be on them. V4V said it straight up...........USE AN EXTERIOR FILM.................

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