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Everything posted by OhioTint216

  1. I spoke incorrectly - there are anti reflective films but not so much as for interior use. They are mainly used to stop reflection on the outside where the reflected light melts plastic siding. See link and photo. https://www.decorativefilm.com/sx-1975-reflect-protect?gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQiA-62tBhDSARIsAO7twbYNz_5dbxnSiLwe3JgvNv8Eu3dKZ1xMo4EgGoISZosk_YSvyU_hUlMaAjVZEALw_wcB https://ibb.co/RQJ2XGw The film is kinda funky looking, but that's just my opinion. Most people I have showed it to don't tend to like it very much.
  2. The anti reflective properties are most likely to be achieved by the glass manufacturer. This is not something I have seen yet in the film industry, I did a quick search too and had a hard time finding anything. It's probably safe to say most films are going to have some sort of reflectivity due to the materials it is made from - lowest you will probably get is close to or matching internal reflectance of the glass.
  3. It's not really going to matter as much as to which brand you choose to go with - it's all going to be in the specs and how the film works. With LLumar, you will see less internal reflectivity on the more optically clear films - like the VS70 which can be a bit pricey, but its not going to solve your need of privacy. In general, if you are looking to enhance your privacy - you will have to accept the fact that the film will have some reflectivity on the interior. Privacy and film is all about lighting and how the light is reflected from the film altering your perception. I'd be careful going too dark in Harmony series, with higher absorption and low exterior reflectance - could be worried about thermal stress and glass breakage. I have the V28 Film currently on my apartment windows, it works great for day time privacy with an exterior reflectance of 33%, but does have interior reflectivity (more noticeable at night than anything) as it is Dual Reflective. I've included some pictures. https://ibb.co/bs6GxPw - Exterior https://ibb.co/JqT8Kqt - Interior
  4. Llumar's DR series is still available, it's one of the main lines we carry at my company for commercial and residential work. Although some people don't like the warm grey tone of the DR and tend to move more towards the Vista Dual Reflective Series like the V28.
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