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Covering your mistakes

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So... your like me and your spending an hour getting a piece of film cut perfect for a window only to find out that when your just about done you slip and cut a chunk out of the film. Now what? Restart all over again or is there a way you can cover up light gaps?

My reasoning is cause I want to figure something out with that back glass that I did on the Jeep today. One of the defroster lines circled right around one of the mounts that holds the shock to the back glass. I followed the curvature of the defroster line to cut out the film for the mount. Well... Thinking it would be the same on the other side I just went ahead and cut it out as well on the other side. I was wrong. I mounted the shock and apparently the defroster line didnt follow the save curvature on this shock mount as it did on the other one and I ended up with a 3/8" gap of see through window that looks horrible.

What can I do to hide this? I was thinking of something like an enamel black paint or something to fill in over the window. I also thoguth of electrical tape but over time I'm sure with he heat and all it would just fall off.

I tried a "Sharpe" marker but it wasnt black enough, it was grey.

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Guest fimmo

I use a film opaquer pen too but only for the type of light gap that appears at the very edge or corner,I.e very small gap's! anything bigger I just give myself a kick and start again! I alway's judge it on this- if it was my car or a first tint job for a dealership would I find it acdeptable? if yes leave it if no redo!

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Look pull it off, kick the guts out of it on the floor, punch the cat, fling a tantrum and do it again right this time.

It ain't worth the pain trying to be a cheapskate miserable bastard hoping to hell you won't get caught out.:woowoo:lol2

You'll feel better about yourself later.


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Look pull it off, kick the guts out of it on the floor, punch the cat, fling a tantrum and do it again right this time.

It ain't worth the pain trying to be a cheapskate miserable bastard hoping to hell you won't get caught out.:lol  :woowoo

You'll feel better about yourself later.



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Guest zolar
Look pull it off, kick the guts out of it on the floor, punch the cat, fling a tantrum and do it again right this time.

It ain't worth the pain trying to be a cheapskate miserable bastard hoping to hell you won't get caught out.:wall  :dunno

You'll feel better about yourself later.



Poor kitty....Kick him again !!!

It takes longer to fix it, than to redo it, even for this guy



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Guest Guest

I tinted a long wheelbased Shogun a few weeks go, it all went ok even the back sliders, I had a few dust particles here and there but nothing that jumps out and screams at you, I got good wages on it to. so there I was in front of the telly later that day when the woman rang me up saying the tints were different shades. Yes thats right I said... you wanted limo all round and a light tint on the fronts, I explained that the windows directly behind the front doors will look slightly lighter than the other limos due to the extra light coming in through the fronts. anyway after a few calls from her AND her local mechanic (wtf its got to do with him I thought) either way I told her to bring it back for me to look at and by now im convinced she is off her trolley!!

Next day it arrives and without even leaving the garage I could see what she meant. I had actually limo'd the back glass and put 40% on EVERY OTHER WINDOW!!!! what a donut, I spent all that day stripping and re-doing the whole job apart from the back window.

MORAL IS...... do it, check it and put right anything thats not correct. its better in the long run.

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