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Guest mhun9180
OK fine, I appoligize for making a AZZUMPTION, about SSC, but I also stand by my statement's I made above, she is the only one I know of activly trying to get the laws changed, and that is why I made the statement I made.

So I apoligize, but KEEP YOUR ILLEGAL SHIATY AZZ COMMENTS TO YOURSELF. still stands :thumb

:thumb Glad I could help :dunno But yes, she does do illegal work :thumb

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BTW pierce, if it's a pre-1998 car you can put 15% legally on the back window only if you put a VESC-20 sticker under the tint. so all those ten year old hoopties you can hook those up no problem. :dunno

You can only do 20 on the back window, and as I am sure you know it is only the very back window not the rear sides. So I would have to say that no we still cant hook those up.

:beer I feel for ya'll with some of the laws you have

I just can't imagine a car in your state with darker than 35% wouldn't attract cops like a magnet. A vehicle with 15% or less sticks out like a sore thumb around even here :tantrum

Actualy they dont really unless it is in a small town, where they only give tint tickets for the benefit of the fine money they collect, and they will issue you the ticket for 35, just as fast as 20!

:? So it was a car you did then :beer:dunno:wall:nope:tantrum:hmmm

SSC, considering what the laws are in PA, CA etc etc etc, 35% is accaptable IMO, if you use a good 50% (ceramic) should have no problems. I also knew about what you were trying to do w/the laws etc etc. :dunno I hope you can get an accaptable level of film allowed, but you Pierce on the other hand, cant sell 50% or 35% :lol:lol2 mabye you should consider moving to another state with more "friendly" tinting laws :wall You are not helping the industry, or your state laws (which some people are working to try and change) by sitting here on the WWW condoning, and admiting you sell darker films.

Some people (more than not) don't get it, the more illegal work out there, and the more it's put up on youtube, etc etc etc while all you punkazz kids, YA I SAID IT, may think your so phuckin cool, by showing off what you did, or are capable of doing, you haven't been in this industry long enough to even have a damn clue, what alot of us "old farts" or grandpas or whatever else you want to call us, have busted our AZZZEZ getting it to where it is today, and I'll be DAMNED if it's going to get destroyed by a bunch of people who don't give a rats azz about it, all they are looking @ is $ signs, with every job they do.

If this offends anyone, at this point, I don't really care anymore, KEEP YOUR ILLEGAL SHIATY AZZ COMMENTS TO YOURSELF.

First of all your statement was that she does not illegal installs, and as admited by her she does. Because as I said you would go out of business if you only did legal.

Second of all, now your sitting here trying to defend your intial remarks, with the whole " she does it less illegal then you" ( less illegal does not exist) attitude. Well contrary to what you may believe there is no difference illegal is still illegal, no matter how you look at it. You remarks are no different then saying that the pot Co**cian dealer is better then the cr**k dealer! To sit here and say that 35% is an acceptable level of tint in your opinion, there for she is ok in doing what she does, as opposed to what I do, Is just simply retarded! Your opnion does not matter since the bottom line it is still illegal. By your standards there is nothing wrong with putting 15% on the two front in a state that has a net 35 law. Because technicaly that would be less illegal ( since you believe this exists) then putting 35 on a car with a net 70% law.

So you need to step down off of your high horse, and think before you type. You have no idea how tinting works in Pa! You want to sit here and chastise me for doing illegal work, when every shop in pa does. Then you want to try to act as if SSC is a better person than I. Because I will do what evry other shop in this state, other then SSC does. As I said in an earlier post, that if most other shops would not go darker then 35 then I would as well, but they dont. As far as your comment about not bieng able to sell 35 or 50. I explain to every customer who comes in, that the lighter they go the better off they are! If they choose to go 20 or 5 then I will do it! Why would I do it because there are at least 150 shops within 25 miles of me who will do it, AND NOT ONE WHO WONT! If you actualy knew anything about tinting in pa you would know that. I challange you to go into superpages.com, and look for any ten tint shops, and ask for a price for 20% or 5% all around on a ny car you like, and I am sure you will here X amount of $'s for the job!

As far as you saying it is people like me who ruined this industry. Thats funny, since Pa had never allowed tint other then the very rear window. So how could it be that we ruined an already non existant tolerance for window tinting!

Bottom line is this, you know nothing about tinting here in pa, and you have no idea about how we stay afloat in this state. Yet you want to come on here and run your fingers, about a subject you know nothing on. The proof of that is when you argued that she does do illgal installs. Dont give me that blatantly illgegal shiat either, because illegal is illegal, and nothing more!

By the way you saying that what she does is acceptable IYO is also condoning illegal installs. So that would make you a hypocrite, as well .

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First of all your statement was that she does not illegal installs, and as admited by her she does. Because as I said you would go out of business if you only did legal.

Second of all, now your sitting here trying to defend your intial remarks, with the whole " she does it less illegal then you" ( less illegal does not exist) attitude. Well contrary to what you may believe there is no difference illegal is still illegal, no matter how you look at it. You remarks are no different then saying that the pot Co**cian dealer is better then the cr**k dealer! To sit here and say that 35% is an acceptable level of tint in your opinion, there for she is ok in doing what she does, as opposed to what I do, Is just simply retarded! Your opnion does not matter since the bottom line it is still illegal. By your standards there is nothing wrong with putting 15% on the two front in a state that has a net 35 law. Because technicaly that would be less illegal ( since you believe this exists) then putting 35 on a car with a net 70% law.

So you need to step down off of your high horse, and think before you type. You have no idea how tinting works in Pa! You want to sit here and chastise me for doing illegal work, when every shop in pa does. Then you want to try to act as if SSC is a better person than I. Because I will do what evry other shop in this state, other then SSC does. As I said in an earlier post, that if most other shops would not go darker then 35 then I would as well, but they dont. As far as your comment about not bieng able to sell 35 or 50. I explain to every customer who comes in, that the lighter they go the better off they are! If they choose to go 20 or 5 then I will do it! Why would I do it because there are at least 150 shops within 25 miles of me who will do it, AND NOT ONE WHO WONT! If you actualy knew anything about tinting in pa you would know that. I challange you to go into superpages.com, and look for any ten tint shops, and ask for a price for 20% or 5% all around on a ny car you like, and I am sure you will here X amount of $'s for the job!

As far as you saying it is people like me who ruined this industry. Thats funny, since Pa had never allowed tint other then the very rear window. So how could it be that we ruined an already non existant tolerance for window tinting!

Bottom line is this, you know nothing about tinting here in pa, and you have no idea about how we stay afloat in this state. Yet you want to come on here and run your fingers, about a subject you know nothing on. The proof of that is when you argued that she does do illgal installs. Dont give me that blatantly illgegal shiat either, because illegal is illegal, and nothing more!

By the way you saying that what she does is acceptable IYO is also condoning illegal installs. So that would make you a hypocrite, as well .

Nah man, 237 said he made the wrong "azzumption". He's just defending his statement "KEEP YOUR ILLEGAL SHIATY AZZ COMMENTS TO YOURSELF", and I don't think that that was aimed at you. :poke
:thumb Look what I started. Oh shiat, there's that knock at the door again :flip
:flip That's yo azz! :hmmm
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Guest FilmBlazer

I'm not saying this is the case in every state, but I certainly feel that Michigan will NEVER change their tint laws to allow anything more than the 4" on the fronts. That means NO film is to be applied to the entire surface of the glass on the operating windows in the front seat.

It makes too much money for the state, which I know many of you will say this is even more reason to keep it legal. As long as the state can generate $80 per tint ticket written, and assess points to get drivers into trouble, they are getting what they want. The more illegal tint jobs out there the happier the state is. The state LOVES illegal tint! Saving lives or not.


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Really because we can not legalt put any tint, on any passenger vehicle, or the front two, of any vehicle! So I suppose SSC just does back ends of trucks, suv's and vans, and is able to have an automotive tinting business?

Anyone who claims to only do legal installs in pa is a LIAR!!!!

..WOW...THIS WENT ON..oops for ever....and it was the two tone burgandy arrgane

nice job too....I wasnt wanting to start a shoving match....and I do illegal tint every day....35 percent on most cars is over our limit....

so nice install marco

your correct pierce

ssc im glad your out there trying to make some changes...\\

in the mean time ill still keep on keepin on doing my three to four cars a day till the snow flys ..

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You can only do 20 on the back window, and as I am sure you know it is only the very back window not the rear sides. So I would have to say that no we still cant hook those up.

vesc20 doesn't mean 20%, pierce, look it up. www.vesc.org, it's actually 8% +/- 3%

"Film materials, when tested in conjunction with glazing materials, shall have a total reflectance of 35 +/- 3% or less and a transmittance of at least 8 +/- 3% or more."

so 15% is legal on the back window of a pre-1998 passenger car, slightly darker would be, too... but I'm a llumar installer, so 15 it is.

and yes, I know it's on the back window only. this is why I said "the back window"

I'm not trying to say x much darker than legal is okay. it's about what is a commonly accepted safe level of tinting that isn't going to bother anybody.

15% on the fronts is not a /commonly accepted/ safe level of tinting. 5% never is. but 35% or 50% is commonly accepted as safe, since over 2/3rds of the US allows it. I'm asking for the PA tinters to produce safe, and industry-friendly tint jobs, if not necessarily legal.

in the mean time ill still keep on keepin on doing my three to four cars a day till the snow flys ..

me too, man. cheers.

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I will admit that depending on the brand of film used the actaul number will vary, I will give you that.

My comment on less legal was not intended for you. It was to the knuckle head up on the high horse, who chose to run thier fingers, about a subject they truly knew nothing about. Witch would be the normal practice of tinting windows in PA.

As far as what level you will not go beyond, well that is your choice to make, and possible you can do it out in Lancaster, but it would never work here in Philly. At least not as of today. There are at least 100 tint shops within a 25 mile radius of me. All of whom will go as dark as the customers ask's. Of course most of us will try to talk them out of 5, but if they dont listen, then what can we do. Since any of the other 100 shops will do it, we have to do it.

Now as I said before, if most of the other shops only went to a certain shade, then I would prob only do the same thing, but that is not the case.

As far as 35 bieng an acceptable level, well I beg to differ, but of course it is only my opinion. Personaly I think 20 is an acceptable level. I have been in numerous vehicles with 20/15 on the front and had no trouble at all seeing. I do agree however that 5 is way too dark. I actualy have 30 on my personal car, only because I go into the burbs quite often, and it is less of a chance of getting stopped.

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