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To all you Obama lovers....tell him THANKS

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So, for all who think Obamas 'Cash for clunkers' was a great thing, here is the backlash from it. Due to the fact that there is such a great reduction in the number of available used cars, since all trades were destroyed, used vehicle values are not depreciating, but increasing on the tax roles. This is causing all vehicle property taxes on the same vehicle you drove last year to INCREASE over last years amount. SO, we gave away billions for people to trade in vehicles that were only a few years old (which counted for many of the deals) and get a new one that was only required to get a minimal increase in gas mileage, which comes out of MY pocket, and now MY taxes on the vehicle I have been driving for many years INCREASES instead of decreases.

Thanks alot, Obama-Lama-Ding-Dong!!!

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Guest Sunlimited
so your vehicles resale value went up, does the increase in price you could sell it for offset what you are taxed on it?

In Ct we pay taxes every 6 months on our autos....Instead of getting taxed on what the vehicle is worth, it has jumped to bluebook value to make up for lost money......So my 03 f150 with 75k miles, is taxed the same as the 03 f150 Joe up the street has but is totaled.....

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Sun, the only way we are going to have any chance to fix this mess is at the local and state levels. Get involved and make sure the person you are voting for truely understands the Constitution and States Rights. I know we have one State Rep who understands from my area, but he has told me on several occassions that with only a handful, they cannot compete with the establishment. There are some who want to fix the wrongs in CT, but they need the support across the state by electing more truely conservative regular people to the state and local level. That of course does not mean just to vote for the person with the R by their name. It is time to look into the persons views. I am going to go out on a limb and say that I am a little scared of the R we have running for Senate.....she is a decepticon in my opinion.

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Guest c5golfguy
Sun, the only way we are going to have any chance to fix this mess is at the local and state levels. Get involved and make sure the person you are voting for truly understands the Constitution and States Rights. I know we have one State Rep who understands from my area, but he has told me on several occasions that with only a handful, they cannot compete with the establishment. There are some who want to fix the wrongs in CT, but they need the support across the state by electing more truly conservative regular people to the state and local level. That of course does not mean just to vote for the person with the R by their name. It is time to look into the persons views. I am going to go out on a limb and say that I am a little scared of the R we have running for Senate.....she is a decepticon in my opinion.


Great post. This is what I've been working on here for the last year and half in GA. I'm working on running for Commissioner the next election in my city.

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Best of luck. I was close to throwing into the race for congress because I couldn't find anyone that was conservative enough to get the job done. I was lucky and found someone who had the same views so I supported her. I now have to look into the person who beat her in the primary to make sure they have it.

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