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HoPo Coming in Tomorrow for a "tinterview"

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The elections are a farce, they will use an "election" to give you the illusion that you all voted for this.

Next the billions they pull out of your (and our) economy will be used to fund enforcement of the new "green laws".

Talk about 1984, and Brave New World! They are even using the same terms like "soma".


It's just an attempt to create a tax that people will accept as necessary so that they can ay the debts they have created elsewhere. Everything is about robbing Peter to pay Paul these days..... it's pitiful.

If it gets passed we will be stuck with it..... I already have to pay an additional 'Flood levy' tax this year to repair the damage from the Queensland floods ..... how deep do they think our pockets are?? and why is there no existing government funding for infrastucture repairs??

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