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Yellow Spots in The Factory Clear Coat!!!

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Starting on a white 2012 Mustang this morning and I've found two nasty yellow spots in the bumper. The car only has 260 miles on it, but Ill bet this guy has washed this thing ten+ times since he bought it!

I was thinking about trying some bleach gel. I've lightly sanded the the two hoping to see them lighten with no luck.

Any suggestions!!?

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Call the customer. Is he under the impression that your doing paint correction on it.

I've already spoken to him about it. Yes now he's now under the impression I'm attempting to correct the issue. He had seen it before drop off an forgotten to mention it.

Its a good looking Boss 302 with the full stripe package and with the low mileage I'd just rather not lock in the spots without trying to do what I can.

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Thanks for the replies Mike!

I've detailed vehicles for almost 25 years, so of course evreything I have has been thrown at it. I know you'd think after all that time I'd have it licked. Under normal circumstances I doubt it would be an issue but this guy is rather particular.

Like I said, as a last resort, I sanded the area with a little 2000 grit and its IN the clear. I was just wondering if before I buff them back up and lay the bra out if a little bleach gel left to soak would help? Any other ideas would be great as well?

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That sucks. I've seen that a couple times before with no good solution of how to get rid of it either really. Way to start off the week :(

Thanks for the empathy!!

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Guest Invisibra.net

I just tell customers that most stains will bleach out with sunlight. Park the car with the spots facing the sun for the next couple weeks.

I have been meaning to get a UV light that windshield repair guys use to cure their epoxy with... It probably wouldn't work fast enough...

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