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HELP with dry shrinking

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You are probably trying to heat one section at a time as well! With dry shrinking you have to move over a larger area of the film. I use a glove as well. Moving the film and fingers with my hands. Smoothing the film as I go. I work center out too, sorta. But I work in large sections. I move back and forth from the center to the side and back again. However, I heat middle up and middle down as I go. I also use dryer sheets. No perfume, no dye dryer sheets.

Applies like butter, no fingers!

TTC :krazy

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Guest Sprinter
SQUEEGEE said it already.

you're shrinking it too much, especially in the area in the middle of the window where you locked it down.

that's how you end up with those long horizontal fingers. when I was learning (not that long ago!!  :lol ), I got that a lot, to me they looked like giant smilies, like the back glass was laughing at me.  :evilgrin

I'll agree with this statement, sound exactally right, too much shrinking!

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Guest tintster

baby powder is like sand its messy and if film is not completely washed clean and rolls back on itself your going to have pulgas in your install. I use cling free dryer sheets the powder kind of melts when shrinking and is water soluble start with 3 cling free sheets folded open on top of each other shake them over a clean window leave a fine dusting over window wet a folded paper towel make a 2" line across middle of window lay film over and hard card across center tugging on film then hard card sides so it is like a 'H' wear brown cotton gloves you can get for about $2 then start shrinking from center above or below squegeed part starting on side and moving in to center back and forth working the film up with your hand keeping film flat on sides if film starts getting stressed pick it up and lay it down again keep fingers vertical and sides flat if still not cooperating move on to the next section and let it cool down then get it again takes some time to get use to but you will love how easy almost any window lays down clean no fingers good luck

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Guest Sprinter

yes go back over it it's called a wet check but first after shrinking it wet completly under the film then use your yellow squegee or black and squegee it out now see what eles needs to be shrunk out and use your hard card at this point.

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Guest Sprinter

baby powder is like sand its messy and if film is not completely washed clean and rolls back on itself your going to have pulgas in your install.

after shriking the film as your wetting the window underneth the film for your wet check you will have washed all the powder out of there and when your doing your peeling you should of wiped off the glass above the film so nothing can wash down on the film and contaminate your job, film shrunk out right will not roll back on its self.

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