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I hate fruit flies

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got a tip..not just for the shop...

but have you ever had someone throw food in the garbage in your shop...oh say on a friday and when you get in on monday those damn fruit flies a buzzin trying to get smooshed between your film and the glass...

take a glass jar then take a piece of paper fold it like a funnel and put it on top the jar...then bait...bread , salsa, or beer..that seem to work the best...then fruit flies will go in and not come back out..if its bad it takes a couple days to get them all but it works...

the funnels you get in a mini mart for putting your oil in the disposable ones work very good...but making one works....and a piece of tke to keep the bastard from trying to squeeze between the glass and paper is a good idea

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I had the problem at the shop last year and now it is a rule to empty garbage nightly and especially over the weekend

my wife brought home some fruit the other day and must have brought them in then....it was terrible and you can't kill them when you go the smash them between your hands the air from the force your your hands blow them to safty.....it took three days now were nat free......yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!! :lol6

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Flies are our major problem. I had a fly strip up and it just started catching flies. My partners wife touched it accidentally and decided to take it down. Now we have huge amounts of flies in the shop.

My parents had horses when I was younger and they had something like that funnel thing you wer talking about. It was a glass jare with a plastic lid and some liquid in it. The fly's would go in and not come out and after a month or so you my dad would have to dump it and it smelled like shitz.

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Guest blackglass

try buying a six pack of bacardi O 3 the orange flavered stuff. dirnk about half and leave it sit out, because its a bottle they can't fly out and have no where to land.

You will be amazed what you find in there.

I had the bottle half full of flies because I left one out. I have never had a bug in my shop.

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The best homemade fruit fly traps I've seen use a big soda bottle - there's instructions at:


and vinegar, apple cider, wine and OJ are decent bait (the OJ starts to work best after a couple days - go figure.)

You're right though - that funnel you talk about is the right idea - just like a lobster trap - the cut pop bottle does the same thing...



got a tip..not just for the shop...

but have you ever had someone throw food in the garbage in your shop...oh say on a friday and when you get in on monday those damn fruit flies a buzzin trying to get smooshed between  your film and the glass...

take a glass jar then  take a piece of paper fold it like a funnel and put it on top the jar...then bait...bread , salsa, or beer..that seem to work the best...then fruit flies will go in and not come back out..if its bad it takes a couple days  to get them all but it works...

the funnels you get in a mini mart for putting your oil in the disposable ones work very good...but making one works....and a piece of tke to keep the bastard from trying to squeeze between the glass and paper  is a good idea


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