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Some of you may already know, but I discovered heating very old tint with your heat gun to remove works much better than using a steamer. All you have to do is get the glass fairly hot and pull in a motion that keeps tension on the film(best to pull towards you not away). Most of the glue seems to come off with the film, rather than in pieces with the steamer. I also discovered that Purple Power is probably the best adhesive remover that I have found. Be careful with it though I've never had a problem, but a friend told me it can color change plastics, but don't know for sure. I hope this helps some of you fighting those strip and retints.. :twocents

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Some of you may already know, but I discovered heating very old tint with your heat gun to remove works much better than using a steamer.

Not in my experience. :twocents

:nohit: I did that before I had a steamer when it was raining when I couldn't sweat the film off and I think the steamer works tons better! But that's my opinion! If that works for you then keep doing it that way!

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maybe it is my steamer, it's always spitting and sputtering, but seems to be really hot.. like that guy that bought his new steamer, I test it with my face to see if it's hot enough. :twocents

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Guest djtekk707

I got an old shark steamer and that thing is crazy spills and splatters everywhere :twocents .....I gotta have a regular shower towel around it to control the hot water! But it gets the job done.....im saving up some money from R&R to get the jiffy steamer that thing looks awesome and from what I hear on the forum it works great too.

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Guest scottydosnntkno

that is essentially the same thing that happen with a steamer, only the steamer puts a lot of moisture into the film to help release the glue, and keep the film flexible so it doesn't rip apart. Maybe your not putting the steam on it for long enough?

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