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Recession over

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does anyone think THIS can happen in our country ??

please watch all 3 videos.. VERY interesting stuff...

confessions of an economic hitman..

and then please watch this video.. very eye opening

Yes, they are very interesting, and although some of it is really hard to believe, it raises so many questions. How can we possibly get back to the beginning? I suppose I never really gave it any thought in regards to banks. I think TD said it best when he said it doesnt matter who is in office (right or left), they are simply the puppet. While I dont agree with some of the content of these videos, everyone should at the very least take a step back and think about previous events, and how they could be related to today. For instance the point made about JFK, and his assanation. It is insteresting, and certainly scary to think about who may, at some point, come in and try to stop what JFK tried to. I also never knew about the Federal Reserve, in that it was private...I liked what Ron Pauls brother (Wayne) had said...that is eye opening.

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Yes, they are very interesting, and although some of it is really hard to believe, it raises so many questions. How can we possibly get back to the beginning? I suppose I never really gave it any thought in regards to banks. .......................... I also never knew about the Federal Reserve, in that it was private...I liked what Ron Pauls brother (Wayne) had said...that is eye opening.

here's the REAL eye opener.. and everyone that's arguing about the title "rich".. and the made up term "greed"...

from MY perspective, the "rich" are the rothschilds, the bilderbergers, the rockefellers et al.. the ELITE BANKERS... THEY and they alone control the wealth/money/supply/demand/market etc. etc.. of the world. .. THESE folks are the greed stricken ones.. they want to enslave the population, the employers (notice I didnt say wealthy ;) ) the employees, the prosperous, the humble, the innovators, etc.. you get my drift.. we're all slaves to THEIR system..

and following is a link to a VERY interesting article about when the united states filed bankruptcy, and how our government (ALL of our federal government, senate, congress, etc) are just a shadow game.

this recession, like the great depression, was manufactured by the same gluttonous pigs (the rich BANKERS) that have claimed that they're able to get us out of this mess.. well I got news for Bernanke.. the Paul/Grayson bill is fast approaching, gaining momentum and the Fed WILL be audited.. HOPEFULLY we can take power from them and give it back to the people...

are you ready ?? wanna read the truth ??

On December 23, 1913, the U.S. Congress passed the Federal Reserve Act, placing control of this nation's money into the hands of a private corporation. In 1920, the 66th Congress passed the Independent Treasury Act.

In 1921, the United States abolished the U.S. Treasury.

This allowed all United States money in the private Federal Reserve Banks to be kept separate from Federal Reserve Notes. To wit:

"That, if any moneys or bullion, constituting part of the trust funds or other special funds heretofore required by law to be kept in Treasury offices, shall be deposited with any Federal reserve bank, then such moneys or bullion shall by such bank be kept separate and distinct from the assets, funds, and securities of the Federal Reserve Bank and be held in the joint custody of the Federal Reserve Agent and the Federal Reserve Bank;"

From 1913, until 1933, under the authority of the U.S. Congress, a private corporation held control of this nation's GOLD. The U.S. paid interest on the use of their own gold, with more and more of its gold, ultimately ending in bankruptcy.

Inevitably, the bankers foreclosed.

On March 9, 1933, the U.S. declared bankruptcy, as expressed in President Franklin Delano Roosevelt's Executive Orders 6073, 6102, 6111, and 6260.

President Roosevelt declared a National Emergency that made it unlawful for any citizen of the United States to own gold. Our bankrupt nation went into receivership and reorganized in favor of it's creditor and new owners, a private corporation of international bankers. (Since 1933, what is called the "United States Government" is a privately owned corporation of the Federal Reserve/IMF.)

Without a word of truth to the American people, all our good faith and credit was pledged as the surety for the debt by the same Congress who created the mechanism that allowed it to occur.

Those exercising the offices of the several States, in equal measure, knew such "De Facto Transitions" were unlawful and unauthorized, but sanctioned, implemented, and enforced the complete debauchment and the resulting "governmental, social, industrial economic change" in the "De Jure" States, and in United States of America.

link: http://www.barefootsworld.net/prophesy.html

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