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What is funny is that 75 million is just a drop in the bucket.

Speaking of outrageous, Michelle O's vacation cost more than that. :spit

I have not had a vacation in...... oh thats right NEVER!! not since I was 16 years old. And there in the WH 1 year and get to take 75+ mill vacation while our nation is in shambles??

I read some where not to long ago that W. had like almost 300 days of vacation at the ranch in less than 3 years of one term.

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Honestly, Pak. is a big country, they have nuclear weapons for goodness sakes, I'm pretty sure they also have emergency services as well. What the hell is 75 million in cash supposed to do?

Dollars to doughnuts that money ends up in some connected politicians pocket.

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Honestly, Pak. is a big country, they have nuclear weapons for goodness sakes, I'm pretty sure they also have emergency services as well. What the hell is 75 million in cash supposed to do?

Dollars to doughnuts that money ends up in some connected politicians pocket.

some oil sheik pocket.

anyone forget the term arab oil money rich???? they dont need us to save Mesopotamia

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This f@ckin president is pandering to the Muslims countries way too much. Why does'nt he just come out and say it....that he wants to turn us into one!!! I am betting that all the Obama lovers will be changing their tunes before the end of this term.................75 million down the tubes again and what will we get??? more friggin muslims overseas who hate us...........it does not matter how much ya spend, Odama-lama-ding-dong.........they still hate us!!!

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What is funny is that 75 million is just a drop in the bucket.

Speaking of outrageous, Michelle O's vacation cost more than that. :spit

Yea it is a drop in the bucket, But that is the way the govt looks at everything. If you add up all those drops the bucket gets pretty full

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and just think about the...............'lil ole Michele 'Needs a vacation' in Spain so bad...........with all the flight costs, secret service OT, chefs, waitstaff and all waiting on her hand and foot, we could have supplied many schools for the year.......they are 'of the people' my arse.......living high on the hog with our money and does'nt give a darn.............Shame on them and anyone who still believe their bull!!!!!

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