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I acquired an Iphone 3Gs yesterday and activated it. Had BlackBerrys for 3-4 years, and like Tom, been through about 6-7 of them...as I am hard on phones. Since I got the Iphone for free and I still have a new BB Bold in the box, I decided to try this phone out. Emails are much slower with the Iphone, but I was told it would be...the BB is almost instant. I dont like one icon for multiple email accounts. On my BB it had seperate icons on the home screen for each acct. I find it difficult to type on the iphone. I swore I'd never get one, but might as well try it out since it was free. I get dropped from insurance every 12 months b/c I make so many claims, so I can insure this phone, but if I drop it, Ive got my old BB Bold and a new one, so its a win win.

I also dont like that I cant seem to change the sounds for text and email. I guess its set for those, and I cant change them. Not a big deal, but I like on my BB that I can make different sounds for SMS, MMS, email, ring, voicemail, and choose whether or not I want them to vibrate with sound or without sound...and how loud for each. Seems you can customize the BB more than the iphone. I also dont like only 4 icons on the home screen (bottom) only. I got more on the BB home screen. Like I said, not a huge deal.

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I have had a lot of phones since my wife works at AT&T. I like my iphone the best, it does drop calls more often then others. The reason is the iphone uses so much data it jambs up the system. For every one iphone they can runs five blackberrys. They know its a problem and have been working on the problem since the iphone came out. The 3gs is the best performer at the moment, apple has some software issues on the 4. They will get them worked out though.

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I have had a lot of phones since my wife works at AT&T. I like my iphone the best, it does drop calls more often then others. The reason is the iphone uses so much data it jambs up the system. For every one iphone they can runs five blackberrys. They know its a problem and have been working on the problem since the iphone came out. The 3gs is the best performer at the moment, apple has some software issues on the 4. They will get them worked out though.

Thats what I was told by ATT, hence why I am trying the iphone. My bb dropped multiple calls a day. Hope fully my iphone will suck everyone elses data up and not drop my calls. They also told me once the other carriers are able to offer the iphone, the dropped call issue will be resolved.

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Not to mention, I listen to Pandora a lot. So much so that I bought a subscription. Whenever I am listening to it, and someone calls or sends an email or texts, you have to shut down the app, then restart it when I want to go back to it. What a load of crap.

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Not to mention, I listen to Pandora a lot. So much so that I bought a subscription. Whenever I am listening to it, and someone calls or sends an email or texts, you have to shut down the app, then restart it when I want to go back to it. What a load of crap.

Have you tried slacker radio?

Also if any of you want to sell one of those I-phones I will buy it I LOVE MY IPHONE3gs AND IPHONE 4!

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No I havent, and I wont b/c I have already paid for unlimited listening with Pandora. Still, I dont like that the app closes when a get a phone call or have to check an email. On my BB, I can check emails or texts while the app ran, or answer a call and end the call and the app would continue. I find the BB easier to use as far as having less to go through to make phone calls. There are no smart keys on the sides of the iphone to access something quick like contacts or calculator. The key board is a bit quirky. If I mess up on a word its difficult to go back and correct it, where on the BB you scroll over to it and fix it, and the iphone has a predictive text on there and changes my words without me wanting it to and I dont know how to fix that.

I dont want to be too negative towards the iphone, b/c I do like it, but Im thinking I like the BB a little more. I may go back to my BB if this app thing bothers me too much.

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