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I'm a DAD!!!

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Guest Litespeeds

Congratulations. Make sure you take lots and lots of pictures because they change the most within the 1st year.

It is a good idea to take a picture in a similar setting or with a favorite stuffed animal so you can see the growth and changes through time.

Now this is when life changes for the better! :passout

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Guest skeeter

A couple weeks early was probably a plus for momma! Great news and congrats! My first is coming (boy) end of March. Had a sonogram yesterday and he already weighs 4.3 ounces. Hope he comes a little early too! :passout

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Sorry to hear that because from now on your going have nothing in your wallet except air. Because I have been there five times and it never get any better until they can feed themselfs and go to the toilet :passout . CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR FIRST CHILD TAKE HEAPS OF PICS BECAUSE BEFORE YOU NOW IT THEY WILL BE LEAVING HOME.


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