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Ghetto Edges and Multi Piece rears

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I need ot get my OILS changed

I need to PAINTS my house

I`m gonna DIGS a hole

I`m gonna DRINKS a pepsi

I am going to get my window tint_s

is just doesnt make sense putting the S on the end of TINT  :poop or other words for that matter that dont need it :poop

:nope Digs me a hole. :woowoo

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all the lights down there are sideways. Its easier for the seniors to see

when they be wearing dem CYBERSHADES.

Anywho, I went out for my own tint show, cuz that thing was the lamest ass sho

I had ever seen.

Better yet, Spring breaks starts this week. Fort Lauderdale was starting to

get the influx of college hotties early. Too windy to get in the water, but the ladies were wearing dat skimpee bathing wear. :thumb

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