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contamination like, after heat shrinking roll down.

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so i was doing an install today on a 2002 gti, and i was shrinking the fingers on the roll down after i installed it inside, i had noticed little specs that look like contamination where the fingers were after i had shrunk it. i tried to take pics but you just cant see it. their wasnt contamination when i blue maxing the window, only till after i started shrinking. any suggestions on what it could be? will it go away? thanks

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The fingers sucked trash into the window or it trapped air in it as you were pushing down. Make sure the film is laying perfect on the outside before transferring to the inside.

so should i be shrinking on the outside of the window instead of the inside?

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I'll fix a f$$k up on the inside w heat from far away w heat on the side of a window, but never on the bottom... If I've gotta problem there I' ll try to fix w heat from the outside... I toploaded those or stuck em ( half n half) sides tight but had all day on bottom, either down under shrink or chase fingers on outside before install.. See tips and techniques

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I'll fix a f$$k up on the inside w heat from far away w heat on the side of a window, but never on the bottom... If I've gotta problem there I' ll try to fix w heat from the outside... I toploaded those or stuck em ( half n half) sides tight but had all day on bottom, either down under shrink or chase fingers on outside before install.. See tips and techniques

yeah i used the heat gun from the outside of the window. thanks appreciate the input!

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The outside man. Have you had any training or even watched a video on tinting ever?

uhhh... yeah. but i was also told i can shrink from inside or outside... and was shown both ways.

Shrinking from the inside increases risk of contamination, ghosting, and damage to the vehicle. Shrink on the outside first.

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VWs really suck with their tight panels and felty seals and toploading,,has been many years since I top loaded a door glass

Remove the panel/lower seals and no heat gun is really needed with a hardcard and a good squeegee pattern

You either had felt or dust sucked up from the lower seal or made small bubbles by shrinking it inside, but it can be done sucessfully with a fresh hardcard

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VWs really suck with their tight panels and felty seals and toploading,,has been many years since I top loaded a door glass

Remove the panel/lower seals and no heat gun is really needed with a hardcard and a good squeegee pattern

You either had felt or dust sucked up from the lower seal or made small bubbles by shrinking it inside, but it can be done sucessfully with a fresh hardcard

yeah the seals were really tight so i removed the panel and removed the lower seal, thanks for the input

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