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quality tintz

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Posts posted by quality tintz

  1. 4 hours ago, pbalentine said:

    Had a guy one time say, I tooks off the tint for you on the front doors for you.  Great, now i have to scrap glue from the entire window.  The worst is if they remove a small patch in a bubbled back window. Now, i'll add more if they mention theyre taking it off and for those turd bombs with tint only on bg, cause they couldnt get it off, charge for it.  

    Yes sir and blade back window if it doesn't sweat off...or they can get a new back glass....

  2. 5 hours ago, Shadow Glass said:

    I've got a 1980s ish Camaro in my shop and it has the braided/twisted defrost line that is an 1" from both edges. I've read some guys paint the space between the defrost line and the edge of the window. What do you guys do? Looks like this thing has lots of dirt in the defrost line. Any recommendations?

    Those  bottom corners were nasty to heat down when they would peel up!

  3. 6 hours ago, CaliTINT said:

    Too be honest I think I just got a bit frustrated when I got the tint slime. Was trying to figure our a slip ratio that worked for me and when my initial tint slime ratio wasn't good enough I just ended up adding a few drops of J&J and bam! worked good so been doing it that way ever since.


    I feel like when I was using J&J I would come across times where I put too much in my bottles and my film would slip way to much. With tint slime I wasn't getting enough slip. I'm sure I could eventually find a good slip on its own. But now that I use mostly Tint Slime with a bit of J&J I hardly ever have issues positioning my film anymore.


    But my next mission will be to see if I can use TS on it's own. I'll let you know what happens but definitely give it a try. I highly recommend it.

    Try the new orange it's more concentrated to use on it's own 4x the slip so you use less

  4. On 9/24/2017 at 10:01 PM, Super Dave said:

    Also, I've found that there are naturally talented people out there that will learn to tint well very quickly, some I've met had only a couple years experience. Others I've worked with have had decades experience, and I wouldn't let them near something I owned

    Scary tinters ha

  5. 2 hours ago, redneckj said:

    It will work great.   I use a quart bottle and use 3-4 pumps of baby wash for roll ups and 4-5 pumps for back glass installs.  I don't know how many ounces that is to be honest. 


    If if I was going to mix  5 gallons I would mix my soap in one gallon of hot water first, then mix that with the remainder 4 gallons.   It would mix throughly that way.   

    Thanks bro good advice do you shake it up how do you mix it???

  6. 1 hour ago, Apex Tint said:

    I have the new Fusion yellow turbo on the way. Excited to try it out. I love the yellow turbo but it’s been tough to find consistency between suppliers. I prefer the really soft yellow turbo, but have received the harder formula multiple times.

    Call Ralph at flex film he had both!!

  7. 7 hours ago, IPATinting said:

    Out of curiosity, won't a softer squeegee leave trash behind. I have been using the same squeegee for a while now and it's beginning to leave streaks. I ordered what I thought was the same squeegee but they seem an it more softer than my firm squeegee I have been using. My question is, will a softer squeegee leave trash behind, or as long as there are no streaks, will the pass be clean? Thanks

    Black turbo good for cleaning or soft yellow....but soft black and yellow not that good for install does not push out much water!!!!! You have to use hard yellow or blue Max afterwards....

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