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Flat Glass Installer's Nightmare

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Dear Squeege,

Please alow me to vent a little.

This week I was sent to a residential job in a ritzy neighborhood. I knew that I was installing the most expensive film on the market but did not think much of it.

We go there right before 9 a.m. and walked in. My customer was a male in his mid 50's. He said he was an accountant and immediatly began telling us of his horror story this morning where he woke up to find moisture on his windows. He then told us that he immediately called the manufacturer of the window frames to later find that the moisture was actually on the outside. Red flags immediately went up in my head. Unfortunately this was not a false alarm. As I preceded to tint each induvidual frame, I noticed an unwanted observer every time I turned around. After a few WTF looks, I finally turned around after touching up the last frame in that room and looked him directly in the eyes as a "what are you going to do now" look. Big mistake. He then preceded to ask me every question known to mankind about water solutions, cutting tools, squeeging tools, squeeging tecniques, film differences and where babies come from J.K. :lol

As he tagged along from room to room inspecting, questioning and overall driving me insane, I had reached my end. All I could do to keep from finding other good uses for Olfa Knives was to walk out. The four of us decided it was a good time to take a lunch break. Maybe when we got back, he would be gone.......................


I am very confident of my work. I also consider myself a friendly person to an extent, but the question I have is.how could I have handeld this better while keeping my cool.

In all my years I have ran into this problem a few times, but never with a jerk quite this bad.

How do you stay professional, but still tell someone who is paying 4G's for a tint job to get the F*#k off your back?? :lol :ahole

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You reckon that's bad 69????????

I had a dude over on Saturday morning just gone who literally sat on my shoulder for and hour and a half watching every move I made. :lol

That's not the kick in the crackers though.....I was removing his old purple shiot he had on there for the last 16 years so he could make his car more appealing to sell.

How much do you really need to know about removing old film? :lol

A couple of times when I moved back my stool I sit on to do the doors, he was actually caught up in the legs of the stool. :drunk

Feel for you all the same!


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Guest nautiboi73
When people do that to me (talk to me while I'm trying to tint), I just stop working and listen to them. Soon they realize it's either talk or tint.

:popcorn I concur, When a customer talkes to me I give them all my attention, as soon as they realize that I only pay attention to one subject at a time they soon relax and back down. I have even walked away from the job to stand next to them and listen.

worst that could happen is that they have been a realy loney person the past five years and just need a freind to talk to.

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That is what I usually do in the shop, but it seems to be diferent when you are in someone's house. It's their castle and they will do as they please.

Besides, I had another house to get done that day and didn't have much time to slow down. :popcorn

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When people do that to me (talk to me while I'm trying to tint), I just stop working and listen to them. Soon they realize it's either talk or tint.

I couldn't think of a better bit of advice that that of which TD himself has offered.

Remember one thing - You are the EXPERT when it comes to all things window tinted.

Don't lose sight of that and the rest is rudimentery.

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Guest tinterjim

If I find someone a little annoying and I'm in their house, I seem to get a little spray happy :hmmm Works like a charm :hmmm Hit 'em a few times with the sprayer and they'll leave you alone.

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If I find someone a little annoying and I'm in their house, I seem to get a little spray happy :lol Works like a charm :beer Hit 'em a few times with the sprayer and they'll leave you alone.

Any opportunity to spray a nuzzling cat around a devil is fair game. Got to make sure the homeowner ain't watchin':beer:lol


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