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killing the economy?

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well another buisness opens up down the road from me but its just a detailing buisness and I do both...well to make a long story short they are doing a wash,vac,armorall,and tire shine for $15 on full size trucks and like $12 on cars!!! :finger: people are coming to me and seeing if I can do that since my price is alot higher along with the other shops...I tell them I cant touch it and I think im going to take my truck down there because I cant even wash mine for that....well I just dont understand why people like this k!ll the economy around here and they have no buisness skills....their name says one "one moment shine"...oh well hopefully they wont be around to long

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Guest nautiboi73

we you know as well as we do that they are useing inferior products and will have poor service. I can only say that their days are numbered. and If they do manage to stay in for a while their customers will notice the difference in quality and service. ie. tire shine not lasting overnight :finger:

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maby the wash job is sooooo bad that it only shines for a moment

look quick now its gon

nothin wrong with maken a buck

some people just dont look for the long term they think cheep prices last forever

even big box retailers only have sales once in a while

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we  you know as well as we do that they are useing inferior products and will have poor service.  I can only say that their days are numbered.  and If they do manage to stay in for a while their customers will notice the difference in quality and service.  ie. tire shine not  lasting overnight :finger:


:dunno customers will soon realize you get what you pay for!

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Guest zolar

k!ll 'em on service.

pick up and drop off

wax the jambs

customers griping about price are'nt worth the time to send back to the brix.

tell them the high school holds car washes every week for $5

I wouldnt turn on a hose for $12


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Guest metint

This is another example of what is so obvious in the airline industry... in the window film industry and others...

The good fortune of another motivates another to seek their fortune, in turn saturating the marketplace with lookalikes and forcing price into a downward spiral... those with true ability for long term vision generally do not get caught up in the cycle and in the end become the last one standing. :thumb

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