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Figured it was time to start the holidays

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This country was founded soley on people seaking religious freedom and the right to have their voice heard. I'm not a highly religious person, but this is a bunch of BS people changing songs that are hundreds of years old just because they are offended that Christ or God is mentioned in it, and that I can't even watch my own damn kids perform the same little Christmas plays that I did in grade school because someone is offended by the manger scene or some other BS. Now the religious freedom is deminishing and people are reverting back to what it was before this country was founded....you basically have to keep quiet and hide your religious doings because if someone finds out....you are in deep shiat.

Just makes me sick. But then again, it's been a while since we've had a war on our soil so this will be a good way to start one. Fukin morons.

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if you dont like christmas or any other american traditions or holidays you dont have to celebrate, but dont complain that it offends you and you religious belief. no one says you cant celebrate what ever you need to celebrate because it bothers them they just look the other way. this is like the pledge of allegence thing in schools, if you dont beleive in it dont participate dont ruin it for everyone because of one person in the class is offended :woowoo

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