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Guest CloudWalker

that is very true and I have been doing that for a long time now its helped me out alot but it sure doesn't justify that price difference. by the by he also always under bids me on our res and comercial jobs when he charges $3.00 a sqft with his cheap sungard film

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Ok, here's what the last straw was today....Guy is referred to me AFTER seeing a friend of his BMW 740 I tinted.(customer also had a 740) Starts by praising the work, then asks when he could do it...then says oh, how much? ........But I got quoted blah blah blah...You guessed it...$5 cheaper.... I was stunned, speechless and livid....and this has been typical of the last month. But I feel much better after this night long rant...Thanks Ted... :lol:lol

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Guest CloudWalker

that is lame what an idgot that customer is five bucks and he hasn't even seen the other guys work. sadly thoughI can relate to how pissed off that could make a person thats :lol

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I've got a sales background OT and NOTHING suprises me. You however are in the drivers seat and can tell them to step the funk off if it suits you.

That's power. I never had that as a salesman working for anyone else.

I had some asshat ask if he could watch me tint his Infinity Q45 the other day. I asked why he felt he needed to watch. He said that he's heard stories of stereo installers and tinters getting up in cars and joy riding and crankin' the stereos up too loud and causing damage.

I told him I that that's not the type of business I run and to be assured that I take care of every car like it were my own.

He replies with, "How can I be sure?"

I tell him I don't have time to hold anybody's hand while I tinted there car and perhaps he can find someone who is willing to accomodate him.

I routinely let people watch me tint in instances where they do not have a back up ride to take them somewhere for a couple of hours but this :asshat really rubbed me the wrong way.

I never heard from senor :asshat again. No great loss.

I feel your pain OT.

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