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Ferrari image??

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I am looking for a good Ferrari image to use with my vinyl plotter. I need an image of a 308 gts preferably but any Ferrai image would be appreciated. I have the prancing hors image and the Ferrari font but I am looking for Ferrari car images.



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Guest tat2punk

post up a photo of the one you want made into a decal. Find a pic of one that you like and I will see what I can do on turning it into a decal for you.

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Guest tat2punk

This is the best I could do with my free time today. Gpa is in hospice, I have been there alot today and will be for the rest of the time he is alive. If this won't work maybe someone else can fine tune it in for you if you can't, I won't be home much the next few days to perfect it.


Click on image to download .eps

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Thanks man, no problem you just make sure you spend as much time with your Gpa as you can. You and your Gpa will be in my prayers. What you have already done is more than enough. I appreciate your help, Thanks

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