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Oops-The Backfired Sign

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So we recently moved into our new location on a busy intersection. We completed our build-out and naturally had a fair amount of garbage to throw away.

We also found discarded aluminum pipes and an assortment of metal that one of my "tint experts" thought might be a money maker.

I couldn't care less; so being the generous sort (when it doesn't cost me anything) I gave him the OK.

Now evidently hidden within this pile of metal was an old handicapped parking sign. My devilish tinter decided not to recycle that particular item. See he had a better plan!

He decided to prank his next door neighbor and hang the SIGN on a pole in front of his buddy's truck.

Ironically (and this is 100% true!) the unsuspecting neighbors' truck was broken into that very same evening.

When the neighbor headed out the door the next AM he saw his vandalized truck and he immediately called the Police.

They arrived in due time and while conducting their investigation they observed the wayward SIGN.

The neighbor of course had been rather preoccupied up to that moment (the truck break-in weighing heavily on his mind) not so the PoPo.

They grilled the hapless neighbor acquainting him with the little known fact that posting this SIGN illegally was a felony, and he could get a $1000 fine.

The neighbor suddenly had twice the reason to be upset, and despite deep consideration couldn't for the life of him figure out how this SIGN might have found itself on a pole in front of his house.

Our "tint expert" discovered this set of events rather quickly later that morning.

No laughing for him as he obviously did the "Right Thing" by keeping his yap shut and acting like the SIGN must have come down from a UFO or something. "Neighborhood kids. . .you know how they are!"

Mr. Neighbor mentioned later to Mr. Tint Expert that the police had confiscated the SIGN and were doing forensic work.

Kind'a like CSI dusting for fingerprints.

Mr. "Tint Expert" is naturally worried and we are planning to punk him by having someone pretend they are the police and want him to come down to the Station.

This should be priceless.

You can't make these things up!


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Guest mikeMN

Man did that turn in to be quite the mess. Yea you can’t make shiat like that up............. :lol ........... :krazy ............Nice story Mike.

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