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Actually shwusyrtnts, it is a fundamental fact that things that are given to people free rarely use it. How many sample rolls do you have tucked away in the dark recesses of your shop? If you are like most other shops, you have a few. It is simple, if people pay for something they tend to actually use the product. We have free samples available just have to fill out a simple form. It won't be enough to do a car, but it is available. maybe you are one of those people that would actually try it if it were given to you for free. Maybe not. Pretty simple philosophy, buy a sample roll, 40" X 20', enough to know if you would like it. If you like it and reorder the film we give your money back on your first roll. If you are like most other on this forum you have spent way more money on a night on the town with nothing to show for it the next day. The one thing that you have that I don't is a choice. You can choose to try the film or not try it. That is your choice. Whether you decide to try the film or not I would still drink a beer with you!!


Actually Shawn, I do not have a single sample tucked away. It is a fundamental fact that when a shop owner like my self calls a company like yours to try a new product, they are not wasting their own time to just get a sample roll of film to fill the empty ,dark corners of their shop. Its funny how you can raffle off full rolls to some dude who can give to shits about you or your product, but In your opinion to send me a sample is a waste. Fact if you are like most other vendors, you will be the first to screw me in a time of your film failing. Plus you are the first company in 14 years to charge me a penny for a sample roll. lol That speaks volumes.


I did just under $20,000 in window film purchases last year so the fact that you have treated newbies better than me is a great business philosophy. lol


Good luck and it would be better business for you to save the $7.00 on a beer for me and send a $3.00 sample, as film makes us both money, beer doesn't.

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I was only joking about a sample....I never expect anything free from across the border. That being said, I have used every roll of sample film I have ever been given. Not sure why anyone would ask for a sample then not use it.... :hmmm:dunno



I agree I have better chit to do than to wait till 9-5 workday to call and waste time to get a sampl. I barely have the time to order the film I actually stock.


That's how we all make money is by not tinting all day, and sitting around calling for rolls to sit on the...... shop floor?!?! LMAO

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Shawn I can tell you that I have seen James, shwusyrtnts use "sample rolls" of film and he will give you honest feedback.  He would be a good customer.  He has just been screwed over by sungarb twice and seen a few films fail for various reasons....


It is always hard for the "hardened" ones to try some "white box" film...


oh, and I have not tried it...no reason to change a good thing and then the comparable film is as much or more than I pay for Global...so

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James, you bring up very valid points. I appreciate that you have taken the time to share that constructive feedback. If people don't take the time to give an honest feedback then we can't see the things that might need to be changed. We will be having a meeting this morning to review the process on samples. One of my favorite sayings is as follows "We only do what we know until we know different". Thank you again for taking the time to make us "know different" and help us to become a better company! 

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Thank you. I meant no harm, and thanks for having tough skin. It takes real steel to adress issues like this on an open forum. That I commend you for.

I wish you much sucess in this venture, and I honestly think you will get better feedback getting the seasoned established tinters a small sample to test. I myself install the film on my families cars, and eye screw the crap outta it for .5-1 year before stocking it. I need to see real life perfomance, thats why it's more an issue of paying when there is not proof of how long your film will last.

One last point I want to make is that 14 years ago, and this past month I have had to heavily discount or even give away my film and labor, as i am the new guy so I do understand your position as well.

Thanks again

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