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cutting blade

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 I have a Graphtec plotter I was wondering how often do you need to change da cutting blade?When im weeding out the pattern im having a hard time I change the force on my machine and brought out the blade depth but I was still having the same problem so is it time to change out the blade?

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On any plotter, part of the "proper maintenance" also requires replacing the wear strip when needed.


Keep a log of the pressure needed for each film you  use .


Change them out when you are having issues .


When we cut reflective films for example  they eat blades like candy so a replacement blade is included in the cost of the project.

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The posts above are correct about changing out your teflon cutting strip and using separate blades for each types of material.  A few tips:


- Closely examine your cutting strip.  If there are any impressions or divots, replace it before doing anything else.


- Start with the slanted part of the blade about half exposed with your force dropped waaaay down (this makes it easier to cut on non-paper liners and makes the film track straighter).  Gradually increase the force and cuts small test pieces so that you aren't wasting a lot of film.  Don't stop increasing the force when you are able to cut a kit out.  You want to increase the force as much as possible without having it cut through the liner.  This will make sure that the glue is fully separated and is easy to weed away the excess.


- You'll know when it is time to change out your plotter blade.  Usually the edges of your kits aren't as clean.

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