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Tinters Wanted In London, Ontario

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My company is creating a specialty automotive film for windshields, and we have a large business customer (1500+ large vehicles) out of London, Ontario interested in a trying out our technology. We're a small company in our infancy out of Waterloo, Ontario and are finishing up product development, so it's a little early to build relationships with any London based tint shops just yet.


As a result, we would prefer to work with tinters who do some side work. Ideally, we would like to have two independent tinters to do mobile installations in the London area. It would be ideal if you have significant tinting experience so that you can give us feedback on what does work / doesn't work between the different prototypes we ask you to install. We want to work with you to learn out how to best improve our product for installation, and in our experience, experienced installers are able to provide us with really constructive feedback and also have the ability to work around any hiccups that may be new to the product.


I anticipate we will start with one installation every now and then, and our customers decide to expand, we can provide you with more regular work. Please get in touch via this forum.

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Guest Hi I am window tinter

Would like to know more have been tinting for 40 years tinted many windshields when I worked in Florida .

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