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What was the BEST excuse?

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I spoke to a guy for about an hour on the phone, talking about everything and everything about tint. This is serious time for me. He finally made the appointment for the next morning. About 20 minutes later he calls back and has another 30 minutes of grilling questions, I'm very nice on the phone, but I'm getting a little frustrated, the kid thinks he knows more about tinting than me. Finally we still have the appointment for the next day. The point to the story is that he never showed up, and never gave me an excuse, I was Furious, I tried calling back, no answer!

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Guest Olfablade

I had a lady call 3 local guys plus myself to estimate her house and wanted us to all show up at the same time and she would decide right away. We all showed and I know all of them so it was no biggie for me. She then proceeds to tell us that she is very picky, and wanted our "best price". Which means she was going to pick the cheapest bid. I told her that I only do quality work at a fair price, and asked her flat out if she was going with the lowest bidder. She said yes, and we all looked at each other, and I said, "You guys wanna go get pizza for lunch?" We ALL walked out! :thumb

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Guest thetintshop
OK...here it goes..guy books...phones the night B4 and asks if I can pick up the car in the morning at his place because he's going to be up partying the night B4...I say no, he'll have to come himself...I don't do pick up and delivery...he says OK, fair enough.

The next morning I'm waiting for him and send his best friend to his address to see if he's coming(I knew his best friend and he happened to pop by the shop in the morning)

Friend get t ohis place and notices smoke coming from his house, he kicks the door in and finds him lying in a burning bed (arson) and was stabbed and head crushed in.

Good excuse for not showing  :eyebrows

DAMN!!! :lol

you win.

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Guest tinterjim

I got stabbed 6 times last september. 5 dudes tried to rob me at the gas station for 10 damn dollors. They got me 3 times in the chest 1 in the stomach and 2 times in the back. I took 2 to the hostpital with me. 1 had a broken jaw and the other had his head split open. Cops caught them all and we went to court in march, all of them got 25 years for attempted murd3r. :eyebrows

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I got stabbed 6 times last september.  5 dudes tried to rob me at the gas station for 10 damn dollors.  They got me 3 times in the chest 1 in the stomach and 2 times in the back.  I took 2 to the hostpital with me.  1 had a broken jaw and the other had his head split open.  Cops caught them all and we went to court in march,  all of them got 25 years for attempted murd3r. :eyebrows

You win the DMC for best excuse not showing up for work the next day :lol

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Guest tinterjim

worst part of it all was when I finally got to call my wife she thought I was out all night with another woman. All I could think was damn I can't win :eyebrows

I'm still lost on the DMC thing :lol

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I'm still lost on the DMC thing :)

DMC...dick measuring contest...it's a term we use on here from time to time in posts.

sometimes it's used in describing someone who comes on here and pounds thier chest at how great they are

the other times it's in fun , like when I started this post for example..was a DMC in fun as to whom had the best cancelling story...that's why TTS said I win. :lol

In this case it's all in fun..as my comment was to you, not to be taken offence to ..hope I explained this right...if I didn't , I'm sure someone can add to what I just put :eyebrows

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