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Fear for the car

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Some biotches keep drivin past my house really slow. My car and my bros cars are out there both with high quality systems. I'm startin to get anxious and pissed at the same time. Might be time to get that shotty out of the closet for some intimidation if they decide to stop by and "check out the stereos" What would you guys do??

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Guest Meff

I would play secret squirrel, (no I would not be storing nuts :spit )

Scope out their rides, times they are going by, how many heads in the car if you can see in, shizz like this. Definitely keep an eye on your car and your bro's car. Skit, do you have motion detection lights outside, or a dog on the property, or nosey neighbors that you are friendly with? If these tools would happen to raise heck and you can find and id there car before they could leave, I dunno throw spiked "jacks" or something down to pierce their tires or something? You can't blast them for doing slow azz drive by's unfortunately.

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I think I'm gonna set up a camera in plain view so they know that they are being taped. either that or its gonna be a long night of uninstalling all my @#$%. Tint don't mean @#$% either...maybe I'll throw another layer of 5% on the back, since I can have any here in iowa

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no, they have to know what I have cuz there are tons of people in town with systems, mine is just the best in town (it's been rated that) but anyways I took my car out to a friend of mines mini storage, it'll be safe there for the night, but my bros car is still out there so I gave him the shotty and my cell fone and he is sleepin on the porch, he is a light sleeper so he will hear a car pull up or glass breaking ohh yea the vehicle is about a 95 blazer champagne gold and the people in the car looked older than I...we'll see what happens.

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