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Another "New" use for S&S scraps......

Guest Key West

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Guest Key West

I have been saving the 6" to 8" strips off my film handler. I store them in loose rolls. Whenever I do a commercial job, I will put a protective strip of 4, 6, 8, or whatever mil I have on hand just at the push bar of the doors to help keep the film from scratching.

I generally give them away, but one could easily sell this protection for 25 or 30 extra dollars per door. Keys, rings watches etc. play hell on doors right in this area. If you do a store where they have carts, or dollys coming in, you can put an approx 12" to 24" strip at the bottom also. You make money, custy sees it as cheaper than replacing the film!

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Guest haroldshouseoftint

:thumb I usually put up a piece of graffiti guard, because alot of store fronts will have a bell or something hanging down that will slam aginst the door (tint) when it closes.

:poke:lolGood Tip :lol:twocents

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Guest darkdan

Another use for Clear-Plex is doing the outside of doors to keep them from scratching from rings/etc.

Of course, if no one hurts the tint then no one will pay you to replace it later!

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:gasp I was in a pub the other day that I had tinted, having lunch and I notice that a chair or something had put a big ole ding in the tint under the push bar, and I mentioned to the wife...."ya know what I should have done? I should have sold them some protection against that."

why didnt I think if it before????? :lol2


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