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Installing Car Window Tint - Page 5

Back Glass

For the back window, most shops will do them in one or two pieces (depending on the car), with the heat shrinking method. This is a very tricky technique, and is very easy to mess up if you dont know what you are doing.

Here there are two pieces of film laying against a back window. The rear window has a compound curve, a curvature both up and down, and left to right. The result is a flat piece of film will not lay flat on a rounded shape. This causes the film to lift off the glass in several places. In the picture there is water underneath the film so you can clearly see the finger shaped excess film areas. This is where heat shrinking comes in. If we don't shrink the film we will have to use multiple pieces, and we don't want to do that.

If you can't heat shrink the film for the rear window, you can used seamed pieces, usually 4 pieces of film will lay flat on most rear windows, some can be done in fewer strips.

Cut the strips so that the pieces will overlap each other on a defroster line (if the car has them), then, when you are laying the film inside you can cut both pieces at once along the line, to make a 'butt seam'.

Make sure to use new high quality stainless steel razor blades to reduce unavoidable glass scratches. Try not to use carbon razor blades or olfa knives on glass, the will almost certainly scratch the glass, especially on the outside! Most rear car windows have a compound curve, a curve on the horizontal plane and a curve on the vertical plane. This prevents the window from being tinted with a single piece of tint.

Here we are working with the film on the outside of the window. It is being heat formed to accept the compound curvature of the glass. Once the film has been formed it is then left in place and trimmed to the proper size.

 A good analogy is trying to wrap paper around a basketball, the paper will not lay flat without creases and folds. One way to overcome this is the same way a basketball is made, with pieces and seams. Most rear windows can be done in four pieces of tint with three seams. The seams can be hidden by the horizontal defroster element. You should first cut all of your pieces to shape, and then install them. Make sure to use new high quality stainless steel razor blades to reduce unavoidable glass scratches. Try not to use carbon razor blades or olfa knives on glass, the will almost certainly scratch the glass, especially on the outside!

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