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Crazy Things Customers Do

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I think customers are getting crazier all the time.

My favorite was the one where the customer called me back to show me a problem on a deck slider, except when I'm there we couldn't see anything. He decided it was because it wasn't a sunny enough day so he actually goes out on the deck and shines a flashlight in from the outside to show me. Except there was still nothing to see.

Anyone else seeing crazy customers?

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Guest tintdawg

O.K., Yesterday a man wanted to surprise his wife and get her c230 tinted. he picked 50/35 combo for a classy look. He broght her in , and I pulled the car out (the car looked sweet). She started crying and yelling at her husband, 'You ruined my new car, it looks like a gangsters car now. SHE WAS REALLY CRYING. anyway, we put striped the 35 and replaced with 50 all around. he has been a great customer for a long time. So I had to help the poor bastard out.

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O.K., Yesterday a man wanted to surprise his wife and get her c230 tinted. he picked 50/35 combo for a classy look. He broght her in , and I pulled the car out (the car looked sweet). She started crying and yelling at her husband, 'You ruined my new car, it looks like a gangsters car now. SHE WAS REALLY CRYING. anyway, we put striped the 35 and replaced with 50 all around. he has been a great customer for a long time. So I had to help the poor bastard out.



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Guest imfear44

had a customer come back with his driver side window busted out, he wanted his money back because the film didnt keep the window from breaking. he stated that on the flier it read that the film would make the film shatter resistant but all I did was keep all the glass from going all over.

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Guest pbtint

Hi Guys

we had a CRV brought back by the dealer to have th left 1/4 window retinted because of bubbles When the car arrived we checked out the BUBBLES & CREASES & SCRATCHES on the tint that SOMEONE ELSE had put on the two rear windows.

We told the dealer that it wasn't a warranty job because it wasn't our film. The dealer and customer denied that any work had been done on the car.

My tinter looked in the glovebox and found a bodyshop worksheet that showed the whole left side of the car had been repaired and repainted and the 1/4 window replaced.

We refused to retint either window and billed the dealer $66 for our time

I h@te liars

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Guest LukeNukem

It is funny how after you tint something they stare AT the glass instead of looking THROUGH the glass like normal. I just did a 40 sq ft picture window on this ladys house and got a cat hair in it in the top right corner about 2 feet in. The lady went a little freaky so I just told her that with her A/C blowing in the room, and having 10 cats in the house I was suprised that there wasn;t more. I told her that I would redo it but if there was 50 hairs in it I was leaving it because with a hairball house the laws of physics were against us. She saw the point and was happy with 1 hair. It was really bad, when I left I think I hacked up a hairball!

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