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I agree, Russia and China might blink.

The problem is that Iran already possesses the Sunburn Anti-Ship Missile. There is no defense against it for our ships and thousands of our soldiers.

We have almost our entire navy parked in the Persian Gulf right now. They are sitting ducks if the crap hits the fan.

If they take out just one carrier we will have no choice but to go apeshit and then all bets are off, hence the title of my post.


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Guest Tintim

I liked Obama better when he said he would meet Ahmadinejad for talks whereever, whenever. You got to admit it took some guts for Ahmadinejad to visit NY. Hate to say it but it is all about money - the west is bankcrupt and are due for some tough times. As much as I disagree with Muslim/christian belief system - I had a positive feel from these two charcters. Just maybe there is something in what Ahmadinejad says about a power source rather then a weapon

ahmadinejad knew he was perfectly safe visiting our country. it only boosted his image with radical muslims. our mistake was showing him that much respect. we should have sent him home riding a f!cking missile. there is a huge population of younger iranians who want no part of this leadership for 5-10 more years, so the country is ripe for change. do some research and you'll find his ideas and intentions to be pretty scary. in the UK your population of radical muslims seems to be growing quite nicely. that's not very comforting with a tyrant like this basically in your backyard.

How could he know he was safe - are there no radicals in the USA then? Problem with Bush/Blair is they're only too willing to send soldiers off to fight under false pretences but not put themselves at risk. IMO radical muslims would think less of him talking to the west - they hate us and all we stand for. Just how do I/you do some research? Where do you get truthful information. You and I don't know what is really going on in our own countries let alone any other.

Yes we have radical muslims and they use european convention of human rights to protect themselves and spout their twisted views here - but the world is not that bad a place for us. The powers that be have to keep us fearful in order to control us. War is about money and all part of the cycle.Lets not forget to mention all the natural resources that country might gain from winning a war - and wiping out any debt.

The west is in debt up to the hilt and heading for financial armageddon. After the great depression it was the sale of arms to the UK during the second world war that was one of the things that helped America out of its troubles uk only finished repaying that debt a few years ago. You could say Hoover did a good job staying out of it as long as he did despite churchills pleas - it will have saved many american lives. Is money/oil/power worth your life or the life of your son. At least with WW1 and 2 they were more clear cut.

Why don't we ever learn.

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Guest Tintim
I wish we were as concerned about America's prosperity and security as we seem to be for Israel's.

I wish we would drill our own dang oil and stop giving these countries so much power over us.

I wish we would stop letting foreign lobbyists control our policies.

I wish we were as concerned about our own borders than we are about other countries.

Our country is being destroyed from the inside out and now we are going to destroy another country and probably ourselves along the way.

If we do go to war with Iran there are going to be some major consequences, if we think the price of fuel is bad now then we haven't seen anything yet.

Also, the problem with Iran is that it can actually defend itself and will probably be able to sink our entire fleet in the area almost immediately. Not to mention the defense pacts they have with Russia and China.

If this goes down, it's going to get very ugly economically world wide. All over 'weapons of mass destruction' that don't even exist... again.

Israel has at least 150 nuclear weapons, yet they aren't openly acknowledged and they won't allow IAEA inspections. (double standard anyone?)

Any country would be foolish to attack Israel, even if they did have one nuke, because they know the retaliation would be overwhelming.

I say if Israel wants yet another war then let them do it with their kids, not ours. :lol2

You're right. The wealth has shifted and a war of some sort is the only option. Our Fiat currencies are becoming worthless in the west, we have filled ourselves with cheap tat from china while speeding around in gas guzzling cars and paying for it all on credit - we need to change our own habits.

But I agree let people fight their own battles - if they won't listen to reason.

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It's going down, the question is when. We know where. Just a brief look into history shows the Middle Easts utter disdain for Israel.

If one is to believe and accept the Bible( I wholeheartedley do) in regards to Israel , God says,Gen 12:1 I will bless those who bless you ,and whoever curses you I will curse. To imagine that peace in that region can be maintained through real estate is laughable. One need only follow the past treaties where Israel has given up land for peace to understand . The annihilation of Israel is the desired objective, it has been voiced for years.

history,politics,and religion are inseperable. "You want the truth!, you can't handle the truth!!!!!"

In John 14:6 Jesus said "I am the Way, the Truth,the Life, no one comes to the Father ( Allah if you will) but by me"

therin lies the crux. :evilgrin

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It's going down, the question is when. We know where. Just a brief look into history shows the Middle Easts utter disdain for Israel.

If one is to believe and accept the Bible( I wholeheartedley do) in regards to Israel , God says,Gen 12:1 I will bless those who bless you ,and whoever curses you I will curse. To imagine that peace in that region can be maintained through real estate is laughable. One need only follow the past treaties where Israel has given up land for peace to understand . The annihilation of Israel is the desired objective, it has been voiced for years.

history,politics,and religion are inseperable. "You want the truth!, you can't handle the truth!!!!!"

In John 14:6 Jesus said "I am the Way, the Truth,the Life, no one comes to the Father ( Allah if you will) but by me"

therin lies the crux. :evilgrin

Actually that first quote you make is from Gen. 12:3...not vs. 1...in fact if you look at vs. one...you see that God is not talking about an area...he is talking to a person! Abram..or Abraham. the promise was to a people, not a land.

As far as actual Armagedon goes, it will involve the political leaders/religious leaders/military leaders of the whole world...but it will be God and God alone that decides on the timing and the outcome. There is no doubt we are living in the "last days" that Paul wrote to Timothy about in 1 Tim 3:1-5. Jesus said, when describing this time, that it would be like the days of Noah...everybody would be going about their daily business...."they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage"...business as usual...just like today. But when it starts, there will be no turning back...no saying..."oops, maybe I should have....." It's not going to be a good time...Jesus discribed it as a "great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be". Don't know about you, but I think about the holocaust...IMO that was a great tribulation...and this is going to be worse than that??

Dont know about the rest of you but I feel as Joshua did when he wrote in Joshua 24:15 " as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord." :evilgrin

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Guest tint phantom
would never happen we give them too much aid. And they strive to be like us....freedom rules and I think the rest of the world is catching on.......... :thumb

reminds me of a story about the scorpion and the frog.the scorpion wanted the frog give him a ride across the river. frog said no, cause you will sting me. scorpion said I promise I will not sting you. so the frog said ok climb on my back and ill give you a ride across. so when they got to the other side, the scorpion stung the frog. frog ask, why did you sting me? after I help you across. scorpion said force of habit I guess I couldnt help it. those people been fighting sense the begining of time. they are bred and raised to hate and kill americans.this country allready run by the rothchilds, jeusuits, and the roman cathlic hizzos. if that muslim lovin obama become our president, our days are numbered. before his term is over,this country will be in caotic mess he is'nt the sharpist tool in the shed, thats fact. :embar

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:embar sorry, typo... the context of the scripture would reveal that ,and if someone were to look it up for what ever reason would see that.

no harm no foul . also it would be safe to say that when talking about Israel as a land ,the Jew is synonomous .

The whole point was we would be foolish to not support Israel ie. Jews

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:thumb sorry, typo... the context of the scripture would reveal that ,and if someone were to look it up for what ever reason would see that.

no harm no foul . also it would be safe to say that when talking about Israel as a land ,the Jew is synonomous .

The whole point was we would be foolish to not support Israel ie. Jews

sure....support em...after all, all they did was kill our savior. :embar

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Slow down now brother, the important fact is not who killed our saviour but Gods result.

I like what Billy Preston say's in his song "Thats the way God planned it, thats the way he wanted it to be"

Regardless of who killed Jesus the fact is he lives forevermore ,having paid the price for sin(death) we couldn't pay , for a debt he didn't owe.

conversly, it was sin that he went to the cross for ,the Jews and the Romans were just instruments to bring about Gods plan for mankind to be reconcilled to Him. It was Jewish custom to stone to death for offences ,ie. Paul in Acts 14:19 was stoned by the Jews and left for dead until the apostles surrounded him and he got up and went back to preaching (a miracle in itself as the Jews were good at administering "a good stoning",they had left him for dead. Jesus was well aware of the custom of lapidation (stoning) . In John 8:7 he said "let he who is without sin cast the first stone.

It was a Roman custom to crucify . They were the final authority on all matters of the time. They chose the method. But ultimately it was God that laid the groundwork.

The glory of it all is we serve a Risen Saviour ! :embar

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