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anyone charge extra for vent shades

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Guest thetintshop

man, I have threatened that for years. I just haven't ever done it yet. but I hate'em. I have cut the film a tad short on the bottom because the film slid, and it made the gap at the top about a half inch. the guy complained of course, and I told him it was because of his ventvisors. and if he wanted it fixed, it would be $35. he liked his $35 more than the gap, cause he didn't have it fixed.

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it's not criticism. it's the method. I use Tintek, so vent visors do not bother me at all. But I know how strongly some here feel about the computer systems. I did manually cut out all windows for the first 6 years, so it's not like I only know how to tint when a computer cuts my tint. Yes, vent visors are a pain, especially those "south-of-the-border" models that are about 8-10" inches wide. I wouldn't charge more, though. If I need to hand cut a window that has a rather troublesome obstacle, I just remove it and retape it.

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gotcha I dont like taking them off though.dont want to have to apy for em if I brake em. but to your ? tintsurfer use the heatgun. go over the edge with it making quik passes. so as not to burn the plastic I used to do it that way.but still broke one or two. then im doing the window's for free. as far as the tinttek what does the whole setup run. im sure its not cheap

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Guest tintsurfer

We will try the heat gun, thanks. tint tek is around $1800 a year and the software and plotter run more than that. But. It works. It saves time. We can do alot more cars with it. If only it would stop raining! :idea

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