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Thoughts on the green movement

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Just curious on the opinions on the green movement and how it is affecting your business and or lifestyle. Are you marketing your product and company as green, do you take measures to make sure you and your company truly are green, do you feel it is a waste of time etc... and what are your thoughts on green washing?

For me personally I have made some major changes in some areas and none in others. I hate to admit it but a lot of them came from being a poor college graduate. We don't waste anything at my house and my roomie is the same way so we have a compost for our garden, we recycle everything we can and I'm always trying to repair before I replace. We scored a busted lawn mower I repaired, part cheapness, part recycle... Although I am also a car guy and love to burn those fossil fuels on my old Mustang, although it could be argued I'm better having fun in that than disposing of it for a newer more efficient play toy.

So what are your thoughts? I know I live in a state where energy consumption, smog and garbage are big issues simply due to our population but it does feel good knowing you are doing your part not to litter the earth with more trash and leading by example. I'm not eating granola and driving a prius, don't worry!

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Can you guys elaborate? Although I'd say a large portion of our conversations here seem to end with discussions on taxation.

Although its not a tax, the way recycling is setup is an interesting example. In Michigan you get $0.10 for each bottle or can you return to recycle, you better believe everyone recycled. Here in California its not as great a return although the recycling centers are handy and you still get paid I see far fewer people actually recycling.

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I do use "green" to sell, and Im for conservation. However, this movement has become a way to tax the crap out of us.
I do use "green" to sell, and Im for conservation. However, this movement has become a way to tax the crap out of us.


So it is just a way to sell? Also can you give me some examples of the taxing, I'm sitting here trying to think of some and I'm sure you'll have examples that once I am told about I'll be surprised I didn't think of it... well its late the brain isn't working as it should.

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Guest Malcolm E Boo

Where shall I start over here.

Instantly I can think of is that the bigger your car the more you pay for your road fund licence (car tax)

Airport tax for fliying out. The longer the flight the higher the tax.

Fined if we don't recycle correctly ( a stealth tax that one)

There are loads more but it is too early for me to get wound up.

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Instantly I can think of is that the bigger your car the more you pay for your road fund licence (car tax)

Airport tax for fliying out. The longer the flight the higher the tax.

Fined if we don't recycle correctly ( a stealth tax that one)

:yoda We have all of those as well.

We also don't get paid for recycling, we actually pay to recycle .... waste management and yes there is a tax component in that too.

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Would you say the benefits to our industry from the green movement outweigh the policies being enforced on you?

I know this forum has a super strong conservative tone to it, I pay a grip in taxes no I don't like it but this really isn't the point to the conversation and I hope that politics doesn't take over the subject.

I'm probably in the forefront of the green movement here in California and its blowing up, its not going anywhere and its time to get in or fall behind. I see this is a huge opportunity for the window film industry. Just trying to gauge how those in the field and in other parts of the world are reacting to the green movement.

edit - Is recycling a bad thing? I'm fine with it, takes me seconds and a few more trash cans to place items in the right spot. I'm sure we fund the services over here too, seems like a good thing to put money towards.

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