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Good word of mouth breeds more business

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This is a house I did last week. I had done their neighbors house a few weeks ago, and good word of mouth really seems to spread for me.

Most of the house was done in JWF SV30%




This sunroom off the master bedroom was done in SV10 for max privacy and heat reduction. It was a little darker then I like to go on a house, but the custy's loved it.





I will say they have a very nice view, but I'm sure they paid for it.


You can see in this pic just how much darker it made the room.


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Nice work. Sure word of mouth is great for sales. If you do a good job people tend to spread the word and you will start enjoying referrals. It works both ways however. If you screw up a job people will be complaining about it to whomever will listen. So do it right or don't do it at all.

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