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Buy on price, you'll buy it twice.

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I will never understand how tinters think these cheap a$$ deals are good for their business. They don't produce good profit, they don't create repeat customers, and they do absolutely nothing for the reputation of our industry. All they attract is the bottom feeding freebie hunters who'd ditch you in a heart beat for the next joker who's 5 bucks cheaper.

I have trouble containing my laughter when someone brings me one of these and asks if I'll match it.

Check out the 2 YEAR WARRANTY!

WOOOOHOOOOOO!! [emoji107]

I blurred out the company name to save them the humiliation and degradation of being judged by their industry peers... ... although they don't deserve it. Good luck to you fellas. The rest of us are making twice the profit in half the time, and creating happy customers by using quality products that actually work.


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Doesn't even make my radar any more Kev.

Laugh yourself silly at them as you send your boys out on another Prestige job while the bottom feeder is ' busy' doing charity work.

Oh I do mate. The thing I found interesting about this round of "worlds dumbest ways to promote your business" was the 2yr 'warranty'.
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I think giving a two year warranty announces to your customers, "we know this film is going to fail".

It's sometimes a loss leader tactic to upsell to a better film.

I don't play those games.

I understand the tactic, but still think it's stupid. They should call it a MIS-leader. It leaves a customer feeling played, before they even become your customer.

Loss Leaders can work IF you can create a consumer addiction for your product or service. You lose a little on the first sale so they will keep coming back and paying full price after that. If a tinter does his job right, you'll never see that car again. And when the customer finally buys a new car, they are going to remember how little you charged them last time and feel like they are being stung. It's lose/lose if you ask me.

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I think giving a two year warranty announces to your customers, "we know this film is going to fail".

It's sometimes a loss leader tactic to upsell to a better film.

I don't play those games.

I understand the tactic, but still think it's stupid. They should call it a MIS-leader. It leaves a customer feeling played, before they even become your customer.

Loss Leaders can work IF you can create a consumer addiction for your product or service. You lose a little on the first sale so they will keep coming back and paying full price after that. If a tinter does his job right, you'll never see that car again. And when the customer finally buys a new car, they are going to remember how little you charged them last time and feel like they are being stung. It's lose/lose if you ask me.

Exactly! I may throw the odd promo for a free or cost job in my base film, which is still a good film, every now and then. And I may be quite new in the number of years exp.

But I gotta think, these guys aren't thinking about the future. Just a quick buck for now.

IMO, it's always worth losing the sale of the cheap guys.

Sure some weeks I knock back nearly all my leads.....

The one out of so many I get, sure he pays more. Sure that extra money realistically doesn't always make up for it, and at times can still leave me under.

But you bet your house I make sure I gain that customer for life. I charge more than te rest, but they get a great service. Sometimes my customers don't want a high performing film, and are only concerned with the look, and mostly ends up being my base film (carbonite - carbon).

However, they pay a "fair" price, for being quickly and simply educated on their purchase with what the film is, what it does and why it's suited to them. Even if it's the cheapest film I sell, they believe me when I say just because it's my cheapest doesn't mean it's a bad film, it just delivers on what your after as happens to be the cheapest for me to buy. I range my products on performance.

This.... Strategy, I guess, works equally as effective for my highest priced film. My customers always leave happy with the job, happy with their purchased product, but most importantly, no matter how much they spend, never ripped off. IMO buying the cheapest film from the local hack is getting ripped off. I clearly explain that, and they agree with me. From this, I always get the trust from my customers.

I've always said, people don't buy from people they "like" the buy from who they "trust" a good portion of my work is already referrals and returns.

The ones I can't convince I'm not bothered. I wish them luck, and let them know Ill still be here.

Like I said, sometimes it sucks, but in 10 years from now, I don't think I'll have to advertise much.....

But I will :lol

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