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New to the Forums, Central Michigan

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Hey all, My names Jordon Fellows. 


I have been lurking around on the site for sometime now looking for help tips and tricks on tints.


I have been detailing cars for a few years now and im currently in the process of opening a shop up in Central Michigan. I have tinted many cars over the last 2 years and im very confident in being able to offer it as a service when finally open the doors. 


I have mainly been working on older shit box's which were excellent vehicles to practice on, and I didnt really charge much as I have just been getting my feet wet in the tint industry.


I received a sample of Solar FX Ultra 20% today and hopefully I will be able to test it out tomorrow.


I have a 95 eclipse gst with a huge BG and the cheast tint ever, or my 08nVW GTI that needs the hatch redone due to my wife thinking its a truck and a washer should be able to fit inside of it.


In the meantime , does anyone have any tips or tricks on removing the garbage film? We starting removing the film from the eclipse and its leaving all the glue. I have tried a heat gun and it didnt help much. I am assuming im going to have to use some cleaner and some scotch bright and scrub it off but maybe someone can make life a bit easier.

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