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i posted you all under the table

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Guest thetintshop

I went to college because I wanted to coach basketball. my entire family is made up of teachers and coaches. only natural I do the same.

thank god my dad owned a body shop so I could pick up other skills while I was in jr high, high school, and college. cause now I'm using those skills to put food on the table.

and I'm so glad I don't teach school. did you know in texas a first year teacher qualifies for food stamps? yeah. fvuck that. I'm not putting up with other peoples snot nosed brat kids and their idiotic parents for a measly $17K a year.

what a waste those 5 years and $35K was.

I hate to tell someone not to get a degree, but you're a white boy skittles. there's nothing out there for you once you get out. I suggest investing in a tanning bed, and learning to speak fluent spanish and changing your name to Taco Rodriguez.

wow, a mexican with a degree, they'll be beating your door down with job offers. :evileye

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hey squeeg, my sister was an art major and she is now in her final year of getting her masters 7 years in all (4 at iowa and 3 at savannah college of art and design). She has been offered jobs that she didn't even apply for. so an art major is not all just :lol and :lol . as for me, once I get out of college I plan on opening my own shop with a few friends of mine (I know some people are gonna p1ss and moan that we are gonna tear each other's head off BUT look how much @#$% I put up with here, that is how all my friends are). My buddy does stereo installs, and chassis fab. The other guy does body repair and high performance engine mods. and I would do tinting and fiberglassing, trying to get more flat jobs :evileye I know that most of the jobs are leaving, my dad has been out of work for 9 months now (there was a major layoff/firing of management positions at exide where he worked. He was a time quality engineer and now when I hear of people going for engineering degrees I always cringe) I think I will stay for the four years, if not for me, for my parents...


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Guest tintchick

I would never encourage someone not to go to school :lol I graduated last year with my bachelors degree in business and its done nothing but help me in the current business we own,,, :lol Always great to have something to fall back on :evileye

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as for me, once I get out of college I plan on opening my own shop with a few friends of mine

Worst thing you can do is go into buisness with friends. First thing will happen is you won't be friends anymore. What happens when tinting slows down and your body shop friend is paying the bills or just the oposite he has no body work and all of your labor (window tinting) is paying the bills and nothing else.

I made the same mistake. Take my advice no matter how long you have known them, family/friends don't make good buisness partners. Everything changes once you sign the lease and the first set of bills rolls in.

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(I know some people are gonna p1ss and moan that we are gonna tear each other's head off BUT look how much @#$% I put up with here, that is how all my friends are).

you musta missed that pro, but I can see where you are comin from, either way I think were gonna at least try it

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