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competition tint jobs

Guest thetintshop

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Guest thetintshop

this person brought this car to me last summer wanting me to tint it, with the film they had already bought. I wouldn't do it. so it went to my "competitor".

the same person called me about a week later wanting to know if I would do the back glass for them because the guy they had do it could only do the sides. I told them no again. I know this person worked at mcdonalds because they had their uniform on when they came in.

today, I went by mcdonalds to get my kid breakfast and there it was. and I just happen to have my camera.

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Guest High Octane Tinting

I had a girl from McDonalds that always gave me a fit when she took my order, she couldnt get anything right, never gave me what I ordered, and she would only fill my fries up about 1/3 of the way (this ticks me off), she found out I tinted and asked me "how much". I told her it depended on if she wanted me to put on the film she asked for, if I would be allowed to stand in the shop with my finger up my butt like I could care less if she was there, and whether or not she wanted her back glass tinted all the way to the top or would she be happy with just 1/3 of the way to the top. She found no humor in it and I didnt get the job. Oh well, as long as she doesnt spit in my fries it will be alright. Wheres a "McDonalds sucks" sign when you need one.

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