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Lines in PPF

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Hey I'm looking for a little install advice.

I use XPEL film with the install gel.

On 2 separate installs now I have had horizontal lines left in the hood. I squeegee that direction so I don't know if I'm doing it wrong or what.

I have been installing for awhile and this is the first it has happened.

What makes me think it's not a squeegee issue is on the fender if you look closely in the light there is also lines that look almost like a road map.

My customer is understandably not pleased with this. I am reinstalling tomorrow and just wanted some ideas on what everyone thinks is happening.

The defect doesn't seem to be in my roll of film because one was cut on 24" and the other on 18".

Any tips or advice would be appreciated.

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The "road map" look could be from not proper stretch or lifting and resetting.  Double check your squeegee and maybe slow down on your stroke. You could be burning the squeegee into the film.  I'm guessing without seeing any pics.

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