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Posts posted by gospeed3go

  1. It is pretty curved at the bottom.  I can't imagine shrinking it without something very curved to shrink against.

    lol agreed. done 3 now, taking them apart gets faster and easier. bottom of the glass is fun definitely have to put on my glove when shrinking it.

  2. did one for the dealer myself last week. took all the crap apart and did it that way almost want to just say eff it and see if i cant just vynil the bottom half on the inside somehow. but if people want to pay more to have it taken apart and done right than im for that too i guess. 

  3. After reading this. I feel confident that I will succeed. I trip out when I see a slight light coming in, contamination, creases, and all kinds of other things. I do not understand how shops can let a car go with any kind of gap. I understand that he did not see gap, but seeing it is part of the reason why he is in that business. The funny part is I only have about 10 cars under my belt. I cant wait til I train with Stan!

    haha get a thousand under your belt before you start thinking your gonna suceed

  4. pull the carpeting back from the sides and stuff towels in everything, you still need to be careful as to not spray to much water. another thing is to figure what side has all the electronics and be sure to squeegee away from it on the glass. ive done many and havent had any issues but im always mindful not to f anything up.



    Dont use TruSmoke or TruBlack they turn Brown. Ive read Classic Black1.2 is color stable. I'm gonna order some.

    ive got nearly a whole new roll of classic black sitting in the closet. i dont even want to use cause of how brown it looks after install.
    Brown what the hell??? Does anyone know from experience which EWF are color stable????


     what im reffering to was the color of film roll i have coming straight out of the box not a sun exposure issue. just made light interior cars look funky to me. 

  6. i love them. the bg is the only real fun on this. but ill tell you what use lots of slip, cut the bottom of the film perfectly along the border matrix, use the crows foot as a pry to push down the deck  while you work the film under the fur and it will make rear glass install a whole lot easier.

  7. dude, its a vw which aint nothing special buddy. comes apart like the rest of the auto world. you doin the work yourself or something? youre worst idea was getting a dealership involved shouldve just found a good glass shop and let them handle it dealerships are the ones that tend to break %&$# when trying to fix stuff

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